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Things Will Get Worse

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davebro3 | 08:36 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

With Labour in charge only fools would think otherwise...



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Well, they give the appearance that, that's what they're desperately trying for.

Great!  He's finally said something I can believe.   It's a first.

Quelle suprise.

That's why they didn't run with D:Ream's 'Things can only get better' before 4th July.

The overspend from the the last uncosted Tory Budget, and the massive increase in Government borrowing over the previous 14 years were well known, so I am not surprised either.

There will have to be some austerity. I will be very disappointed if that lasts 10 years like Cameron and Osborne inflicted on us.


gromit: "That's why they didn't run with D:Ream's 'Things can only get better' before 4th July." - should have gone with this from the Quo:


You radicalised Tories on here cheered and admired the likes of Boris Truss Sunak and Cameron as they looked after themselves and their Cronies over the last 14 years. Trousering as much tax payers cash as they could before disappearing into the sunny uplands with bulging pockets .Now you all have to pay the price. Suck it up.

You truly believe Labour MPs aren't sucking up as money as they can to line their own pockets? You are so gullible, Gulliver

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//There will have to be some austerity.//

We've HAD the Tory austerity much complained about by the left - but now it's going to be even MORE austerity. You just couldn't make it up!

What a blessing that the public stopped the Tories after 14 year on the gravy train. The state they have left the Public finances in is disastrous. Just imagine what would have happened if they had been re-elected for another five years. The Country would have been Bankrupt

We've got the monkeypox pandemic on its way, lets see labour sort that out

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//The Country would have been Bankrupt//

Don't worry - it soon will be.

Anyone if we have any gold to sell ?

The Irish came in the middle of the 19th Century and Jews from Eastern European towards the end of it.

They've since fully integrated into our society.

Give the newcomers time and they will do the same.

Islam does not integrate

Barry 10.45 The labour govt are using the tax payers money to look after the real tax payers .The working class.               You are so Boring Barry.

PM to say: 'Things will get worse (under Labour) before we get better' (under Reform/Conservatives). 

'The truth is that we are walking towards a grim dystopic future rather dutifully, marching along without - for the most part - daring to raise our voices in objection.

Every person I met last week in Middlesbrough lamented the level of immigration, the consequential crime levels, and how we are not allowed to talk about it for fear of being called racists.'


Rod Liddle.

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wrong thread sandy?

The only way the UK will be an integrated society is if we all become Muslims.

sandy - that's what my dad said in the 1980s - he worked in wool in Bradford and rated the immigrant workers highly.  When I told him that they would not integrate (I was teaching in Bradford) he pointed to the Germans, Poles, loads of nationalities who have settled inBradford - but  I was right. Tehy don't integrate - they've changed Bradford to suit them and they'll carry on doing it.

//You radicalised Tories on here cheered and admired the likes of Boris Truss Sunak and Cameron as they looked after themselves and their Cronies over the last 14 years. //


They didn't take the winter fuel payment from the elderly, gulliver.  You seem to be the only one relishing the prospect of the vulnerable suffering.

sandyRoe, //The Irish came in the middle of the 19th Century and Jews from Eastern European towards the end of it.

They've since fully integrated into our society.

Give the newcomers time and they will do the same.//


You're a well-read man.  Go read a bit more and learn about Islam.

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