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Beware - Getting To And From Europe Is About To Get A Whole Lot Harder

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webbo3 | 14:10 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
45 Answers

More biased reporting from Sly news, no mention of all non EU travellers, no mention of Visas to travel the rest of the world

\\In a couple of months' time, the European Union will start imposing its new "Entry-Exit System" (EES) on UK citizens.//

And other non EU citizens

Funny how there are loads of non-eu citizens trapsing all over europe with no doucumentation.



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Your final sentence would be laughable - if it wasn't true, webbo.  Madness!
15:43 Sun 25th Aug 2024

oops wrong thread!

Prudie @ 14:39 - he already has it. It's called rectocranial inversion.


Not really, sounds about right T³.

OG 15.41 "It's more childish hitting out from those feeling peeved" It's  not just a matter of feeling peeved OG. Whole business's have had to close down, people have lost their jobs and their lives have changed just because of the selfishness of Brexiteers who wanted sovereignty and a crown stamp on a pint glass. And a promise by a Tory Buffoon that Britain would take back control of it's own borders ..Which never happened.

-- answer removed --


It is not unnecessary awkwardness. There are different rules for those in and those out. Now we are out we have to buy a Visa to go there, just as millions of travellers  do when they go to US, Turkey and dozens of other countries.

“The EU are ramping up security of their border. Not sure why that is a problem,…”

It’s no problem at all. I look forward to them imposing the same conditions on all those arriving by boat on Lampedusa and the Canary Islands or overland from Turkey into Greece. Somehow, though, I think they might not.

The sooner this New Labour Govt get the UK Re-installed into the EU the better,and it's going to happen..Have no doubts about it..Just bring it on Sir Keir. Sooner the better.

The UK are not going to rejoin the EU before 2029 (during this Labour Government).
It just isn't going to happen.

The only businesses that shut down are those that were managed so poorly they couldn't cope with changes that had been forecast for years. Although, to be fair, they probably wouldn't have forecast how vindictive the EU would be.


And who makes those rules about what is and isn't needed ? I refer you to my comment re prior to the Common Market. As for comparison to other countries, race to the bottom is it ?

What we voted for was an amicable split from the EU without them unnecessarily applying hurdles for the sake of it.

lol - what we voted for was for the EU to do something after we'd left? Why on earth don't they feel bound by this?

Instead of "Beware" the OP should read "Be aware". If you want to travel to/in Europe get your ducks in order and you won't have a probem.

Most of the reports I have read apropos this have said that whilst some minor dealys will occur when this is rolled out, it will eventually cut down on times when entering the EU from the UK.

I see gulliver showing what an unpleasant person he really is in his first reply to this thread.  It seems his assumption that it is Brexiteers fault this new scheme is coming in is their fault is wrong too.  The ETIAS scheme was announced before we held the referendum not after so it was on the cards all along.

"what we voted for was for the EU to do something after we'd left? Why on earth don't they feel bound by this?"


Compare with, "what we voted for was for the police service to do something about crime but we hadn't joined the police ourselves ? Why on earth don't they feel bound to arrest 'protesters' who have overstepped the mark, and not arrest those merely in the area of a legitimate protest ?"


People should be well behaved and do what is right not what they think they can get away with to annoy others.

TSM "Gulliver is showing what an unpleasant person he really is"  You must be joking ..Did you read Prudies post on this thread.. She really is unpleasant to post a wicked reply like that one.

Gulliver, Prudies was in retaliation to your answer and rightly it has been removed which still doesn't make your one good or pleasant.  Still doesn't make your Brexit claim any more real or right though as Etias was in the pipeline before the Brexit referendum.  So you can't blame it on that although you probably will.

Gulliver I didn't notice mine had been removed until now. Doesn't surprise me but it was in retaliation, I will say this so some can read before it's also removed. I've been a member here since 2008 and you are without doubt the most unpleasant member I have ever read. I actually find it depressing that there are such horrible people who need to write like you online.How your first comment is deemed OK on this site evades me, except it's you who said it and most of us know you are totally protected by AB solely because you bring in the hits (does that make you proud???)- and you've expressed similar ill will to other members repeatedly on this Brexit isuue..

TSM 10.21 .and Prudie @ 10.29 Personally I couldn't give a monkey's what you  pair think.  I still stand by my post @ 14.28. PS.I am posting this in retaliation to both of your answers.

Gulliver both my answers were in my opinion sensible unlike yours.  As you stand by your first one then it's pointless as you can't see that Etias was in the pipeline before Brexit and not because of it.  Have you ever tried growing up or being nice, you might like it if you tried.  Why not try it once and see how you get on.

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