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Beware - Getting To And From Europe Is About To Get A Whole Lot Harder

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webbo3 | 14:10 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
45 Answers

More biased reporting from Sly news, no mention of all non EU travellers, no mention of Visas to travel the rest of the world

\\In a couple of months' time, the European Union will start imposing its new "Entry-Exit System" (EES) on UK citizens.//

And other non EU citizens

Funny how there are loads of non-eu citizens trapsing all over europe with no doucumentation.



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Your final sentence would be laughable - if it wasn't true, webbo.  Madness!
15:43 Sun 25th Aug 2024

This is what you voted for ..I hope every Traveller who is refused entry into the EU or is delayed at airports and seaports for hours or even days is a Brexiteer.  Suck it up.

The EU are ramping up security of their border. Not sure why that is a problem, it should have done that years ago when we were urging them to.

If the EU are happy with the possible reduced tourism income from its most numerous visitors so be it. Their loss.

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£3 for 3 years to go to Europe, not bothered, its always busy on bank holidays

here's an opportunity for the operators of rubber ferries to start carrying back-loads.......

-- answer removed --

Don't stay more than 90 days or you will be locked up.

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Gromit @ 14:30

\\The EU are ramping up security of their border. Not sure why that is a problem, it should have done that years ago when we were urging them to.//

Not working is it.

We are out of the EU.     
You should be celebrating not nitpicking the advantages.

14.39 And Prudie I hope you have already got it.

Is it any different to paying to enter the USA or other countries that require visas

The EU are only doing what Boris said would happen if you voted for him and Brexit .."Taking back control of their own Borders"  But it never happened in the UK ,,Did it ?

Remoaners will keep pumping out the anti-brexit stories ad nauseam. Won't do them any good, we're staying out.

You seem to be wishing the UK to join the Schengen area.   
Are you sure you want that?

//You seem to be wishing the UK to join the Schengen area.   
Are you sure you want that?//

NOBODY wants that - not even the other EU countries!

Agreed. Not sure what the OP wants.

Gromit 15.21 "Not sure what the OP wants" Is your question open for suggestions?

What we voted for was an amicable split from the EU without them unnecessarily applying hurdles for the sake of it. None of this was deemed necessary before the Common Market so clearly applying it now is simple awkwardness for the heck of it. It's more childish hitting out from those feeling peeved.

Your final sentence would be laughable - if it wasn't true, webbo.  Madness!

Paul Hogan Foster's ad...

"There a nice bunch of blokes here, but they're a bit rough on their animals" ....

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