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Sven Loses His Battle R I P

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Ken4155 | 12:46 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
9 Answers

Ex England manager Sven Goran Ericksson has died from pancreatic cancer at the age of 76. Not the best manager we ever had but he did take us to a quarter-final.

RIP Sven.



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Ta for the link, LIK.

Sad news. RIP Sven.

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I thought i'd edited my post to read 3 quarter-finals, not "a quarter final".

Very sad news.

The best for me was landing in Amsterdam 2001, dashing from the airport 45 minutes to KO... still not knowing England were going to beat Germany 5-1 in the Fatherland.

RIP Swen.


He was a lovely Gent, RIP Sven. 

Not England's greatest manager, given the players at his disposal (what we wouldn't give for two of Terry/Ferdinand/Campbell/King at the back nowadays) but always conducted himself with dignity. Faced his battle with cancer the same way. Rest in peace.

I don't know much about football, but he faced his illness and death admirably. And I am also impressed with what he managed to achieve with Ulrika Jonsson ...

And I am also impressed with what he managed to achieve with Ulrika Jonsson ..

was this necessary?

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