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What Would You Choose?

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ToraToraTora | 09:52 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
39 Answers

Of those choices I think firing squad but when will the yanks wake up to the best execution method? Long drop rope, end of.



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Hanging seemed very quick & effective if done expertly but I guess we aren't told about those that didn't go so well.

The quickest (& I suppose least painful) method of suicide is said to be to blow your head off with a shotgun. Maybe they could offer that as an option. (bit messy tho')

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so of the 3 what would you choose dave?

Don't fancy the chair, lethal injection can be dicey so I spose firing squad. Kim Jong wotsit equips his with an anti-tank gun!

Firing squad - you never know, they might miss 🤞

Allegedly, my good lady's family are related to the last public executioner.

Ater reading a book on the subject, I don't think I fancy hanging.

This chap had a habit of choking them, ripping their heads clean off, known to be seen himself and assistant pulling on the victims legs. 

The guy who followed him did actually start to calculate, weight and height of victim and length of drop to achieve success. 

No doubt there may be an app to work it out now.


How about one last high?

A cocktail of heroin and fentanyl would do the trick.

Most of the methods proposed have too much of the ceremonial about them for my liking.

Just wait till I'm asleep then flush my cell with carbon monoxide - end of...

Just leave a loaded handgun in my cell with one bullet and leave it to me.  To make sure just tell me that Old Smokey awaits if I chicken out, that should do the trick.

I agree with sandyRoe; then at least the authorities would have no problem whatsoever in obtaining the required drugs.

They're all horrific. I can hardly believe a civilised society still puts people to death, but that's a whole other possible thread.

I'd take the drugs, lots of alcohol, and carbon monoxide just to make sure. 

Guillotine is very effective.

Defo firing squad for me. Quick and less chance of mistakes being made.

netherfield - // 

Allegedly, my good lady's family are related to the last public executioner.

Ater reading a book on the subject, I don't think I fancy hanging.

This chap had a habit of choking them, ripping their heads clean off, known to be seen himself and assistant pulling on the victims legs. 

The guy who followed him did actually start to calculate, weight and height of victim and length of drop to achieve success. 

No doubt there may be an app to work it out now. //

The last executioner was Harry Allen, and he followed Albert Pierpoint, who was the executioner who first calculated the length of drop related to the weight of the condemned prisoner to assure an instant death.

By the end of his career, Pierpoint was so experienced at calcuating weight, he no longer required the prison to weigh the prisoner and advise him of the figure, he simply glanced at the condemned prisoner through the door spyhole, and gauged the weight by sight.

If there is anything more barbaric that state-sponsored murder, it is the notion of involving the victim in a choice about his death.

Since I do believe that execution is immoral, I would take no part in the morbid notion of a 'choice' in how I was to die.

^. No thoughts about the least worst option?

sandyRoe - // ^. No thoughts about the least worst option? //

No. I refuse to engage in a debate out the 'best' way to kill someone.

very humane to offer a choice .  more than their victims got .

If the conversation concerning the method of my death is going to be had I'd rather be part of it than leave the decision to other people.  They might decide to chop my head off - and I wouldn't like that at all.

Inhalation of nitrogen causes euphoria followed by death if enough is inhaled and would be a painless method of execution.

Die laughing

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