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Is It Time To Stop The Annual Festival Of "Caribbean Culture"?

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ToraToraTora | 17:20 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
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Imagine a festival to celebrate 1,000 years of white culture taking place in London. I know but kid yourself. Firstly I don't think there are enough in London any longer and secondly It wouldn't be allowed to happen. If there was however and violent crimes were committed on day 1, then Rowley's wannabee stormtroopers would have been given free range and...
21:06 Mon 26th Aug 2024

Imagine a festival to celebrate 1,000 years of white culture taking place in London. I know but kid yourself. Firstly I don't think there are enough in London any longer and secondly It wouldn't be allowed to happen. If there was however and violent crimes were committed on day 1, then Rowley's wannabee stormtroopers would have been given free range and encouragement to wade in and attack the throng. S5 of the Public Order Act would have been rigorously applied. The whole gathering would have been labelled a far right mob by the legacy media and the the exuberance would be thuggery. The courts would be sitting 24/7 with directives to hand out punitive sentences. Cooper would be on the 6pm news calling all those arrested criminals before they were even tried and Starmer would follow close behind boasting that he had taken swift action(oxymoron image alert). Mind how you go. Right so far.   

What exactly do I have to gain or learn from "Caribbean Culture" ?

What is it I am missing? I have studied art, history, philosophy, religion, literature, music and I understand enough to 'get by' in science, mathematics & geometry & more. 

I'm always ready to learn, but what do the 'Caribeans' have to teach me ?  (I've smoked grass & danced years ago).

The final numbers are in...330 arrests including 8 stabbings, leaving 3 people fightring for their lives, plus numerous sexual assaults.


Policing is estimated to have cost £11m.


Despite the above, there'll be people spinning and saying it was a successful weekend, and that given the number of attendees these numbers aren't that bad.

It's alright saying "stop it" - begs the question of HOW (without causing a whole lot more trouble)?

Rather than stopping it the 'festival' sho9uld be moved to a close by Park or similar where it is far easier to Police and also far more difficult for ne'er do wells.

Al large part of the problem here is that rent-a-mob descend, just like they do on many large gatherings.  These people are not "far-right" as many were described at the recent riots but low life scum.  The recent riots saw them arrested and dealt with.  Not too sure about using the law to set examples of people but it did stop it.  That same Policing should be adopted here, but it wont becasue plod are afraid pf people like Canary labelling them as racists.


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davebro, I think YMB's idea would work. Move it to a local park area rather than stop it altogether. Easier to police too.

Which of London's fine parks would you chose to be wrecked?

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I don't know the area, the nearest one.

Hyde Park is adjacent to Notting Hill - does the carnival not go there already?

I'm not sure it would wreck it, if policed properly then it would be a great improvement on wht we currently have and damage should be a minimum.  Ticket it to pay for the clean up and coppering.

Saw this on Youtube last night.


To answer the Op yes it should be stopped. It's no longer a cheerful celebration of Caribbean  culture it was in the 1950,s it's an  excuse to get wasted,publically smoke dope and have a punch up. There are many parades across the world, for example in the USA & Canada that are far bigger than Notting Hill carnival that don't have trouble like this. I doubt it's policed how it should be for fear of allegations of racial prejudice. I doubt a carnival celebrating British culture would get past the planning stage, for a start they would ban the union flag from being flown. It's an absolute disgrace.

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quite right aunty.

ken : Your video - that woman - !

That excellent retired cop. would get more sense out of a brick wall.

The Rolling Stones held a concert in Hyde Park in 1969, the park was trashed & the event is remembered for its use of Hells Angels as security and its significant violence, including the killing of Meredith Hunter and three accidental deaths: two from a hit-and-run car accident, and one from a drowning incident in an irrigation canal.

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that was in the USA Khandro.

09.13 "I don't know the area"  God in heaven elp us, TTT has finally admitted there is something he doesn't know.😎

we recently had several nights of celebrating white culture, aka extreme-right riots in the streets; lots of brick-throwing that nobody dares to call attempted murder; 600 white folk charged. Yet one weekend involving a million people brought less than 300 arrests and that's the one that has to be stopped.

TTT oops, wrong quote & wrong concert. It was the 2013 concert the park was wrecked - don't think anyone was stabbed though.

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how can you wreck a park anyway? You mean a lot of litter was left behind?

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