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Money Leaving The Country

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gramps85 | 10:33 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | News
51 Answers

Millionaires are flocking to leave the UK and take their businesses with them. Fuel tax is forecast to rise, Inheritance Tax changes are forecast and Starmer is cosying up to the EU.

Welcome to 5 years in Hell!!!



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Canary, business creates wealth.  Without it there is none - and with its departure go jobs - and the wealth of everyone else.  Labour doesn't understand that - and never will.  It's now in the process of returning unrestricted powers to the Unions.  Hang on to your hat - and your bank balance - if you can.
11:14 Thu 29th Aug 2024

As long as Starmer keeps aiming to rejoin the EU it will suit me .Stuff the non tax paying millioniares.

Maybe some are leaving so that they continue to get the Winter Fuel Allowance as Ex Pats will continue to get it after it stops for us in the Uk, see below taken from the Telegraph yesterday.

Expats living in the European Union plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland are guaranteed the allowance by the Brexit withdrawal agreement. The disclosure will add to the controversy over the Chancellor's decision to scrap the payment for all UK residents who are not in receipt of benefits.


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Gulliver. So you are quite happy for businesses to leave the UK and put many out of work, as long as we rejoin the EU. 

You certainly have a warped sense of priorties.

"As long as Starmer keeps aiming to rejoin the EU it will suit me"

You don't live here so remaining out of the EU or rejoining will make no difference to you, so why will it suit you?

Shedman as explained to Gramps yesterday. Expats in Countries like Malta, Spain ,Greece,Portugal and France where most expats live Do not get the WFA. The Daily Mail forgot to tell you that.  Probably Boris wrote this article.

 //As long as Starmer keeps aiming to rejoin the EU it will suit me .//


Don't get your hopes up, gulliver.  Starmer is on the way to ruining this country - and once we're stoney-broke the EU won't want us.

If the Unions fight a Tory Government, they're traitors.

If the Rich fight a Labour Government, it's accepted.

Thatcher emasculated the Unions so introducing a strike takes a long time.

Thatcher introduced the Big Bang so the rich can ruin the economy with just a few keystrokes.

Thank you Tories, you sure cosy up to your Rich sponsor cronies.

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Gulliver 10.59.  If you had read the article you would have seen that some 35,000 ex pats will still receive WFA which still equates to over 10 million pounds.

Canary, business creates wealth.  Without it there is none - and with its departure go jobs - and the wealth of everyone else.  Labour doesn't understand that - and never will.  It's now in the process of returning unrestricted powers to the Unions.  Hang on to your hat - and your bank balance - if you can.

Vulcan 10.56 People living in the UK would not understand how Brexit has affected Brits living outside of the UK.And before the OP has the chance to reply....Good! Like he did on a similar post of his yesterday. I still hope Starmer takes the  UK back into the EU.

Typical Labour tax raids.  Short term gain for long term pain.

If they take their business with them, there'll be a gap in the market to be filled by new entrepreneurs. Meanwhile those that go can try to be a big fish in a more competitive market, if they can.


As for the rest, well someone voted the government in, although I don't believe I know any.

Gramps Remember that advert that was plastered on every bill board in the UK When Mr Peas was in charge.                    ................😎"If it isn't hurting it isn't working"😎    

Can't wait to go skipping along the Sunny Uplands when Sir Starmer finally gets us back in the EU  😎"Oh happy day"😎

Gramps ..."Canary 11.08"  There's your Best Answer Gramps ..     Spot on Canary.


Khandro are you getting WFA in Germany ??Because they ain't in Malta, Spain ,Greece,  France and Portugal.

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Gulliver. Sorry I haven't answered your posts but I have been out to enjoy my life before Starmer & Co prevent me doing so.

Anyway you say that people living in the UK do not understand how Brexit has affected those living outside the UK. Perhaps you could explain how it has affected you and others, but remember it is their choice to find a better way of life, and I have no objections to that, in fact I wish them all the very best and hope that what they wished for does materilise.  What I do object too is these same people trying to tell us in the UK how we should live our lives and what is best for us.

I am sorry that I couldn't give BA to 11.08 as I thought 11.14 summed it a lot better.


According to some gully already fecked off with his brass some time ago - probably during the last Labour debacle!

(although an attic in Hull has also been mentioned🤣)

Davebro 13.40 Don't forget what THL Thatcher said when people start throwing insults...take note.

a fact is not an insult

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