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"Our Friends At Hamas"

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Khandro | 11:22 Sun 01st Sep 2024 | News
26 Answers

... so said one former leader of the Labour Party;




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not surprising Labour have always loved terrorists.

Done a million times.


Please check your link. 

Gromit, you find the brutal murder of these hostages - all relatively young - tedious, do you?

gromit and co think terrorists are freedom fighters curly.

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Six good, young, innocent people brutally murdered and Gromit says,    "Zzz."   

Yeah ! 

Jesus - words fail me! 😪

Gromit suggested on another thread they may have been killed by friendly fire (that suggests to me almost wishing it as a defence). The whole situation and who supports who and why is an utter mystery to me.

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sp; does it not work for you? I archived it because it's behind a Telegraph pay wall. The same breaking news is also now on the BBC home page.

The incident when Corbyn referred to a Hamas representative as 'our friend' was 15 years ago.    
It has absolutely no relevance to todays news of a failed raid by the IDS to recover hostages.   
People connecting the two incidents are exploiting the dead hostages for political point scoring and it is sickening.

Khandro, your link works for me.

Phew that was a lucky escape. I assumed the link was to a reputable news site, not a disguise Daily Telegraph link.


I get "This page cannot be opened".

If you have another link to your question could you please post it.


Scratch that - Gromit's done the work.

// Israel recovered the bodies of six hostages from a tunnel in southern Gaza where they were apparently killed not long before Israeli troops reached them, the military said on Sunday. //

The Israeli military blamed their deaths on Hamas.

You may remember the IDF recovered 3 dead hostages last December 2023, the hostages, who were trying to be rescued, were visibly unarmed and shirtless and waving a makeshift white flag when they were killed by the IDF in a botched operation. The incident provoked criticism of the IDF and of the government's attempts to resolve the hostage crisis with military action within Israel and condemnation of Israeli military action in Gaza from abroad. The IDF stated the killings were preventable, but disciplinary actions were not needed since there was "no malice" on the part of the soldiers. So tough shīt hostages.


obfuscation from the far left I see.

If Your terrorist mates hadnt taken them hostage we wouldnt even be having this conversation.

Gromit's "far left" now?

Ha ha ha ha...


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Gromit; //The incident when Corbyn referred to a Hamas representative as 'our friend' was 15 years ago.//

Exactly, and when hamas at that time was carrying out brutal attacks against Israel and had been doing so for many years, Corbyn & his Labour cohort well knew it.   

Hamas carried out its first attack against Israel in 1989, abducting and killing two soldiers.  

Well if I am far right....

Or does it only go one way?

sp: "Gromit's "far left" now?" - well anyone that's not a card carrying Trobiscite is apparently "far right" - that cuts both ways me old china.

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