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P M Preparing To Surrender To The T U C ......

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ToraToraTora | 10:48 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
4 Answers

Train drivers, doctors and now they want "pay restoration" for the public sector. The unions smell blood in the water.

get ready for massive inflation followed by huge interest rates. Can the country stand 5 years of this?



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The inverse of crowing Tory seems to be miserable doom-monger.

Foolish man.

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The silence from our left wing agitators is deafening.

I'm sure the unions aren't going to "go down" without a fight. This is going to be a difficult period for all unless the unlikely occurs.


More it risks polarising opinion in the nation which is the last thing we all need. Perhaps the government is hoping that "friends" in the EU will put their hand in their pocket and bail them out.

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P M Preparing To Surrender To The T U C ......

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