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Britains Most Successful Prime Minister.

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gulliver1 | 11:01 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
40 Answers

Tony Blair says Brexit has failed, and ended up with mass immigration instead of the promise to take back control .The UK has swapped younger single people coming in from the EU to work in hospitality, technology NHS and other sectors for much increased immigration from Asia and Africa.          "We have weakened ourselves" in the in the UK as a result of Brexit says Sir Tony...Spot on I agree with what he says.



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Quite the unpleasant avatar there, Tora.
11:05 Sun 08th Sep 2024

TGL's protegee, I knew you were a secret Thatcherite gully!

Quite the unpleasant avatar there, Tora.

It was under Tony Blair that the uncontrolled immigration began!

Tony Blair is a monster who facilitated the iraq war and killed god knows how many people including thousands upon thousands of children. it is the single most horrible thing a british government has done this century. If i saw him in the street i would spit on him and i look forward to the day his death is announced on the news. nobody should be paying this withered old vampire any respect. i hate him. 

he does not deserve a second of peace for what he did. he should be hounded for it every day of his life. 

So successful that he taught me and several others of my acquaintance to vote Conservative. 


Untitled, and only recently you were complaining about hate speech.

oh dear gulliver, looks like you may have alienated your fan club with your devotion to St Tony!

11:06 well I never thought I'd find someone you lefties hated more than TGL!

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Britains most successful PM also lambasted the Tories for puttin Politics before Policy over the last 14 years which led to a period of instability.... Spot on again Sir Tony.


there is a huge difference between hatred targeted at a whole demographic of people (e.g. muslims) and hatred targeting a very powerful individual whose actions caused horrifying levels of suffering and death. i prefer the latter and you prefer the former.

untitled.  Best not add personal attacks on me to the mix.  Your speech is as hate-fulled as anything you complain about.  You need to re-read before posting - or stop complaining about others.


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Can see where this post is heading.

Is there a typo in the first line- I think it should read:

 "Tony Blair failed, and ended up with mass immigration"

do my posts break Site Rules in your opinion naomi? the editor has said that hate speech will not be tolerated but has not specified what that means. 

Some of your posts could well break Site Rules, untitled, but this is the News section so back to the thread.

Tony Blair has been the best PM so far during my lifetime

how convenient

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