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Katherine’s Message On Completion Of Chemotherapy Treatment

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MargoTester | 17:12 Mon 09th Sep 2024 | News
17 Answers

Perhaps someone could post this for more please.



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Happy to hear that she's well now.

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Thanks Ellie and bookbinder x

What a lovely video.  Brought a tear.  I wish her a full recovery to good health.  Poor girl.  

Glad I could help.

A lovely video.  She & her family have my best wishes for a full & comfortable recovery for her.

Her name is Catherine.

Was she treated on the NHS? just askin'

Oh my, I have something in my eye.  In fact both of them.

I wish her and her family well.

I hope so, Dave.  They're rather good at it.

Oh dear me...that's made me quite emotional. Wishing her continued good health.

I am glad it is completed - took long enough

Note she has not been given ( or we have not been given) the all clear. ( more tears)

Be nice to have her back about the place instead of the parade of relics shuffling around.

Not considering any others, Dougie, just glad that Catherine is resurfacing.  Heck of a tough call when she has young children.

Sorry, Douglas, (apologies).

Best wishes to Katherine and all the Royal Family from all us Scottish ABers.

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Katherine’s Message On Completion Of Chemotherapy Treatment

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