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And Then There Were Four

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Canary42 | 18:44 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
10 Answers

Priti's gone

Mel's gone

Who will they chuck out next  - Robert, Kemi, James or Tom

Latest figures

Robert 33

Kemi 28

James 21

Tom 21     




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Tom goes next, then James.

Kemi and Robert go to the members, and Kemi walks it.

I look forward to PMQs with Kemi going for Sir Keir.

She can be quite vicious.

Looks like Bob v Kemi in the final.

Tom Tugendhat is by far the best candidate.  
So that instantly eliminates him from winning.  
I am confident that the worst candidate will win, that is what usually happens.  
It is clear that the Conservative Party have not learned from their massive defeat, and are not offering anything new, just the same old dogma.  
If they get this one wrong, opposition beckons for the next couple of General Elections.

I agree Gromit I quiet like TT and I'd vote for him if he reaches the final but I don't think he will.

gromit: "If they get this one wrong, opposition beckons for the next couple of General Elections." - The speed Labour are alienating the public gromit they'll be lucky to survive 1 term. They've even managed to alienate at least one superfan.


I think Hopkirk has it sussed.

Tugendhat is the best one but will go next.

Badenoch appeals to the membership more than Jenrick so will beat him in the final.

Not that I'm a member any more, but I'd have gone for T.T..  Kemi seems OK, but I'm not totally convinced.

I'm very unconvinced about TT.

Nope, Tugithard is not for me and having met Cleverly he certainly isnt for for leader.

Still Kemi for me, as I wanted post Boris.  Get a real Tory in so I can vote for them.  With the plus of course that it would be yet another first for the tories to add to 1st Woman and 1st Asian/British leaders.  Labour have yet to do any of them.


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