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It'll Be Late, Will You Watch The Debate?

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sandyRoe | 18:45 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | News
36 Answers

At 2.30AM a debate between a tired old bankrupt with a string of criminal convictions, and a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement, will take place.  They are vying for the American Presidency.

Will you stay up to watch?



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Rumour has it he'll try and grope her.

Nah I hate these debates, even our own. I'll check out the low lights tomorrow.

Lets hope she makes a better job of the debate than old doddery Biden did.If she mucks up,she will be toast.

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She has the sharp, analytical, mind of a top lawyer.  If she goads him enough so that he loses his temper, it'll be him that'll be toast.


Don will do her, he has vast experience, she is a rookie with too many hang ups, he'll do what he did to Hilary. No contest.

No - I think the actual vote will be a close run thing with lots of claims about it being fixed (whoever wins).

do you still like trump toratoratora?

No I never really liked him but I preferred him to the alternatives.

do you still prefer him?

yes, Both would be bad but Harris would be worse. It's sad the US electorate has this choice between Scylla and Charybdis.

I don’t understand why anyone would have an avatar of a convicted criminal (Trump) – when you’ve ‘I never really liked him’.


Perhaps a better avatar for 3T should be a freezing pensioner being hung?

Not a chance.


My mind is made up, but I don't have a vote.

As interested as I am in the future of Western democracy, I think I'll wait til the morning.

and a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement, 


Yes she jailed hundreds for marijuana based crimes. 

Did she herself indulge in a bit of marijuana fun?

Yes she did and she inhaled, bless her. 

One of the debating candidates has the advantage in that they can (and will) lie as much as they like – and his supporters will believe every word (even if it is pointed out to be a complete lie).


He will also make outrageous statements (such as ending the Ukraine/Russia conflict on day one of his presidency) with no explanation of how – and his supporters will believe him, as he’s never made false claims.

No, never have done.  I can't affect the result and it will be well reported in various places, so it will be possible to get a balanced picture.

Bore draw, but no doubt the media will tell you Harris won.

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