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Will Labour Scrap Free Bus Passes

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webbo3 | 08:32 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
25 Answers

They lied about scraping the WFA, will they now scrap free bus Passes



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Labour will scrap anything pensioners or future pensioners get.  Easy target they cant get out and march,

Labour scum.

More worrying is the possibility they will scrap free prescriptions for pensioners 

I thought free bus passes were down to individual councils, not the government 

If they're not going to do it, why don't they say they're not going to do it?

It wouldnt matter anyway though Naomi Labour lie and nlie and lie.

A few weeksk in and more lies than they ever accused Boris of.  Odd how we hear so little of these real lies from the far left on here.

Prescriptions is simple - stop the free ones, pensioners can't afford them and die; saves a lot of money.

Bus passes are more complicated. Stop them and pensioners make fewer (subsidised) journeys, bus companies reduce the service to save money, service becomes poor and paying passengers stop using it. Alternatively the fares increase to compensate for the subsidies and paying passengers stop using it. Net effect is more pollution.

Yes BHG, stop the prescriptions together with WFA and that should polish of a load of pensioners, and in labours eyes Tory voters.

Aren't they a local authority devision ? Not that I've ever got such a pass. Don't use busses much.


Surely rich Tory voters can afford their own pills; so who will that strategy remove ?

They're issued by Local Authorities but can be used anywhere in the country in which they're issued eg, my English one can't be used in Wales. The actual conditions of use in the issuing Authority region can be varied eg, London-issued passes can be used on the underground but I can't use my W Berkshire pass on the London Underground, just the buses..

'Express runs out of Diana stories'


Read all abaht it!

They will be scrapping free TV licences next - oh no, the Tory hypocrites have already done that.

Same old Labour.  Same old nasty party.

You could send pensioners to un-staffed care homes instead of hospital, after all thats what the cons did during Covid. Just saying like.

I overheard a conversation in the post office this morning.  There's talk apparently of Labour reintroducing the radio licence.

Now that many can't afford a television because of the cost of its licence, would this be the straw that broke the camels back?

They may find that one difficult to police, Sandy.

You may have come upon a conversation on an entirely different tranny at the halfway point.

and old age pensions, and increase VAT to 20%, except for MPs - and compulsory lesbianism on thur afternoons and no paper forms for olds, they must use apps or STARVE


I guess everyone misses the days of competence and honesty of Lynn Truss Rishi Sunak.



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