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More Labour Lies.

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webbo3 | 09:01 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
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Read the second paragraph.


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Labour seem to be the Nasty Party of lies.  Seems to be at least daily at the minute.



"..... our old age pensioners are facing going without heating this coming winter. Fuel poverty is at historically high levels." - so lets cut the WFA! Have they even read their own publications?

Question Author

Dated 15th July, 2024, 7:00 am  ^

Unclean uniforms ? Disgusting; must be a shortage of dry cleaners !


Fuel poverty ? We need more fuel then. Build some nuclear power plants quickly. Perhaps buy some cheap Russian gas to cover while that's being done.


He's just so full of crap.

Not much fun being supporters of the losing party. You can moan all you like, but you lost the election. The people have spoken.

Indeed they have spoken - and they're speaking again now saying things they never dreamt they'd say.

Interesting that Labour supporters have no explanataion for the juxtaposition of Labour's stated intentions and actual deeds. They simply seek to inform us that they won and can do what they like. That is correct of course but surely even they can see the hypocrisy.

Oh they certainly can TTT, but they simply cannot bring themselves to admit it.

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