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It Seems Very Quiet On Here Today

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curlyfries81 | 15:09 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

I suppose everyone is out enjoying the weather - I gather it was pretty dire here this last week...

So, have you put your sprouts on yet?



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"launch show" tonight BBC1 (ie not live and no competition)The other show (sex, lies, scandals etc) seems like a spoiler and it's on Channel 5 at 9pm.
17:09 Sat 14th Sep 2024
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Oh heck, I've been for a sleep and woken up and had a cup of tea and there's still no one around, or perhaps no one wants to admit they've put their sprouts on already :-)

Anyone watching the new series of Strictly later? I am looking forward also to watching Strictly: Secrets, Sex & Scandals, being quite curious as to what went on behind the scenes. I'm glad Alijaz is back too.

Isn't tonight's programme '20 years of Strictly' - rather than a new series?  I thought I read that somewhere.


No, I haven't put my sprouts on yet.

I'm going to watch Strictly tonight because my fave pop star back in the day was Toyah. 

No sprouts on yet. I like them minimally cooked, with bits of bacon. 


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Well I heard on the radio that Sam Quek (Sp?) was one of this year's contestants. So is it a new series tonight or something else? It was my better half who said there was a new series starting tonight and I haven't got a TV guide.

I'm not having any sprouts this year πŸ˜€

"launch show" tonight BBC1 (ie not live and no competition)

The other show (sex, lies, scandals etc) seems like a spoiler and it's on Channel 5 at 9pm.

I went to bed last night with a scratchy throat...I've felt like poop all day...achey and snotty. A nap filled part of my afternoon...after I went out for paracetamol. 

I may watch πŸ’ƒ πŸ‘―‍♂️ 

Sprouts make me πŸ’₯Fart πŸ’₯.was that loud enough for  you πŸ˜€

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I wait til Halloween is over before starting on the sprouts.  I want them to still have a bit of bite to them.

I'm thinking of taking a month's free trail of Apple TV and binging on the Gary Oldfield spy thing.

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That sounds like a plan, Sandy. I'd bring them to the boil, leave them for a couple of days and then turn them down and leave them to simmer until the big day.

I might have a look and see what Apple TV is all about at some point.

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Why is there an answer removed at the bottom of this page?

I haven't put sprouts on this year as we're heading for the south of Spain to escape the forced jolity, pitched battles in and around Smyths Toy Stores and the miserable weather for a fortnight.

Coles de Bruselas Salteados will be the order of the day. πŸ˜‹

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Same here, Douglas, although we're going slightly further afield. Disfruta tus coles de Bruselas salteados, amigo mio

Gracias. 😁

Enjoy your sautéed Brussels sprouts, my friend. 

Probably make me FART β€‹β€‹β€‹even moreπŸ’₯πŸ˜€πŸ’₯

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Oh goodness, I just laughed like a lunatic then. Thanks dustypuss.


Your welcome. 

The mimsy mods are at it again, making sure that nothing besides their own posts "get thro"  - I have posted to the ed on this. 

so above and below the answers removed, we have great big slabs of moderator Good British Commonsense !

feast on, prole !

@17.05.I have been reading Finnegans Wake for the past six months.So far i am half-way down page one.You are an expert on psycho-babble Peter,can you translate the rest of this novel for me?

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