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Trans Rape Crisis Centre Chief Quits After Review Found Survivors 'Damaged'

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naomi24 | 10:41 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
14 Answers

... after a report found Mridul  Wadhra failed to protect wemen-only spaces.


Mridul  Wadhra said 'bigoted' rape survivors should be re-educated about transgender rights and needed to 'reframe their trauma'.   


If anything needs reframing it's the brains of people like that who have no idea what it's like to be a woman.  They just think they do.  Let's hope the next appointment is one that properly fits the bill. 



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"Bigoted rape survivors"? you mean they dared to not accept the "woman" with a penis that raped them was not a man? MAABOF!

The entire cabal of women who supported his appointment also need to do the hounourable thing and resign. And if they don't they should be summarily dismissed.

He is quite handsome isnt he?

We've brought it on ourselves, desperate to appear all-welcoming and inclusive, thereby allowing travesties such as this to become normalised.

Special interests need to be kept in check lest they run rampant.

Good riddance.

No intention of fixing their article for them, but: throughout the piece they misgender Mr. Wadhwa terribly. Wrong pronouns used on every occasion.

That person is a hateful piece of work and the people who gave her the job have a lot of explaining to do. They should be sacked.

Rape victims are still not getting the support they need, after centuries of being ignored.

It makes me very angry 

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He's not a her.  He's a him.

Is that the Trans tartan he's wearing? 


"Wadhwa also said that rape survivors could “reframe” their trauma and have “a more positive relationship with it”."

That statement alone demonstrates he has absolutely no idea what rape does to a woman.  How can any woman draw anything "positive" from being raped? It is the worst thing that can happen to any woman apart from being murdered, and some rape survivors actually wish they had died, so placing their ordeal worse than that.  

This idiot is a complete nut job and should be allowed nowhere near vulnerable women. I also agree that the people who recruited him to that position have a lot of questions to answer.  

His statements make a mockery of the experiences of true rape victims.

That organisation needs to replace him with someone like the counsellor...Roz Adams...who was unfairly dismissed. Her "view was that people using the centre should have a choice over who they received support from on the basis of sex, and that sex was binary and "everyone is either male or female at that level". "

Most everyone.

once again a trans woman fails to grasp what being a woman is, or experiences. He was more intent on pushing his own( male) agenda than having any real understanding. Putting a frock on does not a woman make

'transgender rights' . . . what an oxymoron.

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