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Generation Z. In Drive To Reverse Brexit.

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
117 Answers

If another Referendum was held today it would result in Brexit being reversed says the latest poll. A clear majority of all voters say they would opt to rejoin the EU.Overwhelming support to rejoin came from Gen Z.



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//// And still he drones on and on and on Zzzzzzz.////My word,the intellectual power required to form that constructive comment beggars belief.
00:16 Mon 16th Sep 2024


You been away gully? missed you.

In Gullivers fantasy land

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The public now think Brexit has made almost everything worse,from the economy to immigration,cost of living, NHS, wages, exports and Britain's standing abroad.

Which poll was it?

No, they don't.

Some parts of the public do, and the rest don't.


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A second referendum is now seeming more likely in the near future.


Careful now Gulliver, you'll have them wishing for another disease to conquer just to prove how breaking ties with a collective is a good thing.

Being nimble and all that.

Gulliver @ 11:02

No its not.

Again, are these polls taken outside the Illiberal Undemocratic Party's headquarters ?

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The findings of a new survey  show  that more support to rejoin has been encouraged by Sir Keir Starmers move to boost Britains connection with the EU.


When did they manage to interview the 12 year olds?

(Generation Z , 12-27)

....more support to rejoin.....

That's pretty meaningless without any figures.


Actually a new referendum may be a good thing.  It'd identify those unable to stick with a decision and are clearly either dangerous flip-floppers, or never had the ability to see that a sovereign country can not allow outside unelected elites to control them. It could then be used as a test to see if one has shown the ability to make sensible decisions and therefore should be allowed to retain a right to vote.


Plus, of course, getting back in to that federal nightmare would likely take more than five years of negotiation, so by then a sane government will probably be in power, and Farage would cancel that nonsense as a priority.

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One in every  four who voted leave now say they will vote remain when the new referendum takes  place.


No-one has asked me, nor anyone of my acquaintance.

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It seems that the youngsters who were too  young to vote during the last referendum have a lot more sense than their parents and grandparents.  lol🤣

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61% of Gen Z. Say they would definitely vote rejoin.

Were the 12 - 16 year olds asked during playtime or after school?

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Generation Z. In Drive To Reverse Brexit.

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