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More Hezbollah Explosions

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jackthehat | 16:01 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | News
107 Answers

The exploding pagers will have driven the terrorists to use another sort of communication device, and then.....

What next, I wonder?



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at present the new york times says they have a source confirming it naomi and the israeli government has not published a denial. 

Israel hasn't published confirmation either.

god are we really arguing ( oops discussing) that explosions yesterday which Israel admits to - - are unrelated to further explosions - same place the next day?

righto ! - ( this  is AB) - good luck on that one

The terrrists will be busy right now dismantling their bluetooth headphones and ear buds, wifi modems, webcams/microphones, and infrared devices   ...   or burying them in the desert like a giant sand box. Can't stop, must dash. 

//I will delete any more examples of posts in Morse code in this thread,/

Signed...  Inspector Morose. 

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And now reports of solar-panels exploding, too.

Lordy! Whatever next?

The head of the IDF told the Times:

"We have many capabilities that we have not yet activated … We have seen some of these things, it seems to me that we are well prepared and we are preparing these plans going forward."

No one is giving Israel a free pass on terrorism to kill anyone it wants; they are in a conflict with various factions and go after them.


No conflict manages to avoid all collateral damage, to demand it is to deny any action.


War is hell, not reacting to war is inviting further hell.

there is no justification for setting off multiple explosives in crowded public areas old geezer. the only reason you're comfortable with it is that the victims are lebanese. if it was happening in israel or germany or any other country you consider to be populated by human beings then you'd see it for what it is.

It may not be nice, Untitled, but O_G is correct. War is Hell and brings what is called 'collateral damage' i.e. innocent victims.  

It happened here in WW2, it hashappened  since, it is happening in Ukraine.  Hezbollah killed Israeli children amongst others in its attack - what did you expect the Israelis to say?  " Sorry, why did you do that? Can we help you with your unresolved issues?"

I, like others, hate and detest murder and casual killing......but people have to be allowed to defend themselves and sometimes that means that they have to be aggressive.

(The Archbish of C. w'd probably excommunicate me.  :(  )

I expect israel to refrain from committing acts of terrorism jourdain. just as i do everyone else. 

"I, like others, hate and detest murder and casual killing......but"

oooh the word "but" is doing a lot of work there isn't it. yes jourdain you seem really cut up about it 🙄

i suppose it hasn't occurred yet that what you have written is exactly how hezbollah justified its rocket attacks. they also see themselves as being at war, and therefore having the right to kill whoever they please because "war is hell". if you agree with one side using terrorism but are absolutely disgusted by the other doing the same thing then you're simply not willing to view their victims of your favourites as human. 

It's who hit first. In this case Hezbollah.

Untitled, chances are Israel couldn't give a fig for what you expect.  When I last looked Hamas was still holding Israeli children hostage.  What about them - or don't they count?

^^ If Israel had refrained - do you really thinks that the attacks against them would have ceased?  Anyone, anyone, would fight   if their survival was threatened.

of course they do naomi. last time i checked hamas was not doing so with the full-throated. support of my government and my fellow ABers. 

refrained from what jourdain? setting of bombs in public places all over Beirut? how is that any better than hezbollah lobbing rockets?

if it's about "who hit first" then where do you want to start? Israel has invaded lebanon quite a few times and committed world war 2 level atrocities on lebanese soil. 

But the absence of your support hasn't fazed them, has it untitled.

Why do so many people hate Jews?

OK.  So what, if you were an Israeli, would you do when an outside, inimical force has been shooting at you and killing your children, friends and family?

As O_G said "War is hell, not reacting to war is inviting further hell".

//And now reports of solar-panels exploding, too.

Lordy! Whatever next?//

Smart meters? 

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