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Labour On The Skids Already.

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davebro3 | 07:16 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Politics
41 Answers

//No government has ever dropped so sharply in the polls. //



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🥱 No link have I ever clicked on has delivered so many advertisements. 

Do you get a kickback Dave?

-- answer removed --

Stop it, I'm welling up ere!

I wonder how the fools who voted for them now feel?

Labour will never get in again after this term and I for one can't wait to say, "Good riddance!" 

Yep I suppose those that voted for them had no idea what real Labour were like. Now they have 5 years of pain to get through but it will serve to stop them getting in again for another half century.

If the Daily Express is to be believed, people have a very short memory of how bad the last 14 years were under the corrupt/incompetent Tories – as I have said, Labour have a very, very, very, very long way to go to match that.

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This is reported in many papers - I put the Express cos there was no paywall (I think).

This time next year you'll be saying - "The Tories weren't all that bad really"!🤣

Can you imagine the outpouring of rage and anger if the tories had suggested ending the WFA?

TTT will be shocked to the core; in their 2017 manifesto, one political party was proposing means testing the Winter Fuel Payments (see the top of page 68 of the attached manifesto).

TTT won't be shocked.  We all know they considered it - but they didn't do it.

Labour haven't means-tested ithe WFA - they have withdrawn it.

Two very different things.

Labour gained power on a 'negative' vote not a 'positive' one.

If more people could have remembered what life is like under a Labour government, they would never have won at the ballot box.

TTT posted //Can you imagine the outpouring of rage and anger if the tories had suggested ending the WFA?//


Which they did – I don’t recall any outpouring of rage and anger (even from TTT).

No reason for rage and anger, hymie.  They didn't do it. 

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Musta took you a fair bit of detective work to find that Hymie - no wonder there was no outcry, no one noticed it!

10:57 I won't be shocked because I agree with means testing it. I just want the cuttoff higher so that pensioners who have saved for a meagre pension on top of their state pension are not chopped off at the knees.

//Musta took you a fair bit of detective work to find that Hymie - no wonder there was no outcry, no one noticed it!//


No, it was in their publically published manifesto – which is word-searchable; it must have taken me all of less than 5 minutes.

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oh yeah - I wordsearch party manifestoes almost daily!🤣

JACK, "Labour haven't means-tested w WFA - they have withdrawn it."

The WFP is means-tested since those qualifying for Pension Credit will receive it still.

I only needed to check the Tories 2019 & 2017 manifestos to highlight the Tory hypocrisy – I knew that they had suggested this (means test WFP) in the past.


It would not surprise me if it was in earlier Tory manifestos, if you care to look.

"TTT will be shocked to the core; in their 2017 manifesto, one political party was proposing means testing the Winter Fuel Payments (see the top of page 68 of the attached manifesto)."

And similarly look here:

No sign, so far as I can see, of any proposals to cut WFA for anybody.

So two clear illustrations showing why it is wise to follow my philosophy - don't base your vote on anything a politician tells you. You will almost always be disappointed.

One manifesto suggesting they mightt do something but didn't. Another not mentioning anything about doing someting but they did (on a very tenuous pretext and one that doesn't even make sense).

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