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Police Can't Work On Murders.....

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ToraToraTora | 08:20 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
3 Answers

Probably too busy trawling twitface for cases of misgendering or anyone concerned about the islamification of Britainistan.



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Keep some perspective.

Five officers have been moved from the cold case team. The case highlighted in the report was recently reviewed.

Murders are still being investigated.


keep some perspective - and write English like what we can understand

second sentence - there is no main verb in either clause -  " anyone concerrned about the islamitication of Britainistan " is nonsense. There are two made up words. britainistan implies that the UK is already in the grips of Shari3 . It isnt.

AB and TTT on a saturday

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Police Can't Work On Murders.....

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