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Not A Dry Eye In The House........

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ToraToraTora | 08:07 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
5 Answers

Hezbollah are taking a hammering all thanks to their buddies in Hamas. I hope they send them a nice card at Eid.



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I think I can smell bacon 🥓 downstairs. 

Oh sorry, what were we talking about? Oh yes ... Hezbollah ... yes, what a terrible shame ... senseless loss ... yada yada ...

Gotta go, there's a bacon roll with my name on it. 

i expect the terrorist apologist on here will be along shortly to condem this.

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apologists surely!

a democrat in 2024 is approximately a republican in 2010 with a few fringe exceptions... that is how far politics has shifted to the right in the USA. not surprised at all.

^ that was meant to be on the kamala harris gun thread. 

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Not A Dry Eye In The House........

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