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They just can't help it can they?

"Angela Rayner made a surprise appearance at the Annual Palestine Reception at the Labour Party's annual conference tonight, giving a speech in which she took aim at Israel." - they have a "Palestine Reception"? No wonder they are full up with anti semites.

As long as supporters of Israel conflate support for Palestine with anti Semitism the prospects for a just peace in the Middle East diminish.

10:18 you and others have demonstrated that it is not conflation me old china. They have stated time and again they want Israel wiped off the map. I think that is pretty conclusive. .....yada yada yada zionism....yada yada etc Won't wash.

Not agreeing with the actions of Netanyahu and his Government is not anti semitism. 
If you think it is, you are the problem.

The problem as I see it is if you're supporting Palestine you are, by extension, supporting groups whose stated aim is the annihilation of Israel.  Does anyone want that to happen?

TORATORATORA, can you quote the multiple examples of when folk on here have called for Israel to be wiped off the map?

The point is the Israelis(Jews)remember the real Holocaust and Russian pogroms in the past.They will never forget.I would say one or two on here prefer to forget these things.

that's not anti-semitism

"The problem as I see it is if you're supporting Palestine you are, by extension, supporting groups whose stated aim is the annihilation of Israel."

then you don't see it correctly. imagine if i wrote that "anybody who supports israel wants all palestinians to be exterminated". it simply isn't true. 

I think I do, untitled.  Israels enemies want it wiped off the map.  That cannot be denied.

Why anyone supports Palestine beats me.

palestinian cause is not just hamas and hezbollah. 

Untitled //

"The problem as I see it is if you're supporting Palestine you are, by extension, supporting groups whose stated aim is the annihilation of Israel."

then you don't see it correctly. imagine if i wrote that "anybody who supports israel wants all palestinians to be exterminated". it simply isn't true. //


Of course naomi's statement is true ! The analogy you try to make is sheer nonsense.

Both Hamas & Hezbollah (and most of the Muslim world) are dedicated to the annihilation of Jews and their homeland.

The Jews are not, and have never been in their history, aggressors to anybody. They are now under attack and are fighting an existential battle for their survival.

hezbollah was founded when Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982 and got up to this:

we'd be pretty cheesed off too if a neighbouring country had invaded us and done that in living memory. 

once again israel has created its own enemies. let's not forget they were pouring hundreds of millions into hamas for years because they did not want gaza to unite with the west bank. and now look what has happened. 

Untitled, //palestinian cause is not just hamas and hezbollah. //


No indeed.  As Khandro says it's most of the Muslim world.  The thing is if you march around waving a Palestinian flag, like it or not you are taking sides. 

i'm in charge of what i say and think naomi... not you. 

You are indeed, untitled, and I read it.

750,000 of them have 'settled' on the West Bank.  They are protected by the IDF and are armed themselves.

This land theft continues apace.  Israeli authorities call this, 'facts on the ground '.  They have no intention of ever giving it up.

"The Jews are not, and have never been in their history, aggressors to anybody.". Tell that to the Palestinians who once lived on the West Bank.

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