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snouts in the trough

A non story.

He is fiercely private of his family and probably didn't want to show the interior of his own home.

Move along now folks, nothing to see here.

He's more than two-faced - he has multiple faces.

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It was about working from home, which he wasn't.

The problem is that he decorated the room with his own personal belongings to give the appearance he was in his own property. Very deceitful.

Were the working from home rules changed between the date of filming and the date of the broadcast?

I've archived it for you webbo;

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Thank you

They just can't help it can they 😁

Hoppy: "He is fiercely private of his family and probably didn't want to show the interior of his own home." - ....and only a rich labour donor's penthouse willl do! Right oh!

//Were the working from home rules changed between the date of filming and the date of the broadcast?//


Would he have been party to the government's plans for future guidelines?

My thoughts are if he was working within whatever government guidelines were in place at the time of recording, he wouldn't have needed to pretend he was working from his own home.

Same old Labour.  Same old sleaze.

Did he say he was in his own home?

What's wrong with having a few personal items to remind him of home?

Corby, that's the daftest thing I've heard in a long time.

12:13, are you for real?


Yes the sleaze keeps coming from Labour.

Labour scum.

NAOMI, "Corby, that's the daftest thing I've heard in a long time."


And all this sleaze taking place as these Labour hypocrites were daily & relentlessly attacking Boris over a bit of birthday cake.

The worst aspect of this cheat was the placing of Christmas cards on  Allis' shelf behind him to make us believe he was in his own home.

Corby , //NAOMI, "Corby, that's the daftest thing I've heard in a long time."


Go figure (as they say).

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