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Not Looking Good For Brexiteers.

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gulliver1 | 15:24 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
16 Answers

Sir Keir Starmer is set to pay a visit to EU Headquarters Brussels. Next  week in a bid to reset relationships with the EU.The PM has lined up talks with Ursula von der Leyen after the pair met at the UN Summit in New York last night.Sir Keir is determined to repair ties with the EU after years of Brexit wrangling ..Are these the first steps to opening the door for the UK to rejoin the EU . It certainly looks like it. Good.



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Wonder what backhander he will come back with.

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The EU Say they are very keen to work even closer together  with the UK to solve the migration problem.Now that can't be a bad thing can it . I would think even the most ardent Brexiteer would welcome that. ?

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Gramps 85.Your obsession with backhanders is becoming a phobia which you should get treatment for.

//The EU Say they are very keen to work even closer together  with the UK to solve the migration problem.Now that can't be a bad thing can it . I would think even the most ardent Brexiteer would welcome that. ?//

They would.

Nothing about it means that we'll be re-joining the EU anytime soon, though.

You and I will be long dead before the UK rejoins the EU* gully, just get over your obsession.

* even if the EU survives in its present form

Gulliver, its not my obsession with backhanders, its Starmer and his cabinet.

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TTT .But things have now moved on ..meetings have been arranged. Making your nightmare dreams of rejoining the EU seem even more of a reality.

If the country decides to rejoin I will accept their democratic choice. Pity the 5C won't do the same.

gully - it's not gonna happen, what will it take to get that through your thick skull?

15:47 inpenatrable!

Gulliver, your obsession is becoming a phobia,phobia is a fear yours is an obsession and its you that needs treatment.😎🙄

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Davebro 15.47 You just be ready for  when you go to the doctors and those two brain surgeons look into each of your ears at the same time, and see each other.🤣

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I can always tell when I have scored with a thread.....When the insults start🤣.

//I can always tell when I have scored with a thread.//


you are AB's running joke gully...

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