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Not Looking Rosie Is It?

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Togo | 19:17 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
32 Answers

//Canterbury MP Rosie Duffield has resigned the Labour whip, accusing the Prime Minister of “hypocrisy” and pursuing “cruel and unnecessary” policies.
In a resignation letter, Ms Duffield attacked Sir Keir Starmer’s decision to keep the two-child benefit cap and means-test winter fuel payments and condemned his handling of the outcry over gifts given to him and other senior Labour figures.//



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//She wrote: “Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister.”//

Couldn't have put it better myself. 

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//She added: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”//


Oh dear. The wheels are falling off already. 

"Ms Duffield did not vote on either the proposed amendment to the King’s Speech or a recent Conservative motion calling for the restriction of the winter fuel payment to be halted."


Good for her, almost having the courage of her convictions.

I've said it before. Bring back Matrons and abolish the Trusts

Wrong post sorry

A party with a huge majority loses it's first MP within 3 months. By election? Nope. Whip Lost? nope, how about total disgust with her own party. Respect to Rosie Duffield, hopefully the first of many. Gawd help the nation if we have to endure 5 years of this omnishambles.

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// “Forcing a vote to make many older people iller and colder while you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for – why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment?”//

I did say that his lack of shame shames us all. Right so far.

Rosie Duffield is a good, conviction politician.


She took horrendous abuse over her quite correct views on gender, and has resigned due to Starmer's dreadful hypocrisy.


Three months in and this is already a terrible Govt (sensible people knew it would be), and a decent politician like Duffield leaving due to Starmer's hypocrisy should give an alarming signal to him that he's already lost the dressing room.


The man is a disgrace.

Good for her for sticking to her principals

Rosie Duffield has been treated shamefully over her support for women and I admire her even more for taking this step.  This government is falling apart at the seams.

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This is well worth listening to. "The State will take back control of peoples lives"!!!   ...   Indeed.


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Apparantly Hamash caused the sausage situation. Either that or mash immigration. 

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//the whiff of hypocrisy is strong. It’s positively pungent.
Starmer frequently wrings his hands over the unfairness of inherited wealth.
His government plans to impose VAT on private-school fees, which will make such citadels of learning unaffordable primarily to working-class families who’ve done well for themselves and want their children to get up that social ladder. Yet it turns out that his own son’s educational chances were boosted to the tune of twenty grand.
Apparently it is bad for parents to work hard so that they can stump up £15,000 or so for their kid to go to private school, but it’s okay for Starmer to get the £20,000 freebie of a sumptuous study room for his son. This might be one of the worst cases ever of that haughty decree, “One rule for me, another for thee”.//


Could Ms Duffield be the first woman in line to join that macho gang at Reform UK ?

I would not be surprised if overtures aren't being made to her as we speak. 🙂

That thought occurred to me too, khandro.

Congratulations to Ms Duffield. She has always struck me as honest. She'll be having a rough time of it from people she used to call friends and colleagues.  I hope her constituents appreciate her.

as i recall most people on this website supported the two-child benefit cap. 

typical tories believe in nothing. 

Nice cherry-picking untitled.

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