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Not Looking Rosie Is It?

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Togo | 19:17 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | News
32 Answers

//Canterbury MP Rosie Duffield has resigned the Labour whip, accusing the Prime Minister of “hypocrisy” and pursuing “cruel and unnecessary” policies.
In a resignation letter, Ms Duffield attacked Sir Keir Starmer’s decision to keep the two-child benefit cap and means-test winter fuel payments and condemned his handling of the outcry over gifts given to him and other senior Labour figures.//



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is it true or is it not?

If you read tge answers again, untitled, you should see you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick. Has anyone here argued for the removal of the mis named 2 child benefit cap.? This is about sticking to her principles

There's certainly a whole lotta Rosie on Answerbank this last 48 hours. She's even on ttt's avatar

And the two child benefit cap, which many of you supported and said so on here, is one of the main reasons she is resigning. 

here is toratoratora defending the two child benefit cap... with rosie duffield as his avatar 🤣

Say what you like about Labour, but they were propelled to power by an overwhelming vote, not by a £5bn bribe of the taxpayer's money to the DUP.

You don't have to have the same beliefs as her to admire her for standing up for them. She was elected because of her beliefs and her belief that her party supported them and would continue to do so.

i disagree with that canary... they only got 33.7% of the vote... less than Corbyn. if Reform UK had not split the right wing vote then labour would have been in trouble 

//And the two child benefit cap, which many of you supported and said so on here, is one of the main reasons she is resigning//

She has implied it's one of the reasons (you used the word MAIN), but as that's been known about for a while I think it's more to do with Keir's hypocrisy over accepting gifts coupled with the WFA cut. on top of the benefit cap, and perhaps even the tuition fees and plans to cut some budgets relating to public spending (return to austerity?). Her treatment over transgender issues must be an issue too.

I doubt very much Rosie is interested in joining Reform. She'll remain an Independent. If she does jump it would be to Liberals or Greens IMO.

perhaps she doesn't need to join any party. She's been an MP long enough to have a reputation with her constituents and could stand as an independent.

if you had bothered to read her letter newmodarmy then you would know that she mentions the 2 child cap explicitly. she also mentions starmer's treatment of diane abbott which many estimable tories on this website cheered on. 

i am very critical of starmer and did not vote for labour in 2024 despite having done so previously... the reason for that is I think he is a tory in a red tie and is untrustworthy. 

what i absolutely cannot stand are all these fork-tongued tory snakes who have suddenly learned that public spending cuts can have dangerous consequences and suddenly care about corruption when they didn't give a monkey's before july 4th! i maintain that tories are vacuous creatures that have no beliefs, only instincts. 

// i maintain that tories are vacuous creatures that have no beliefs, only instincts. //


In that case you're irrational.

//they were propelled to power by an overwhelming vote//


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