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What Action Does She Want? Abolish Gravity?

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ToraToraTora | 10:24 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
4 Answers

I have nothing but sympathy for her loss but what can the authorities do to stop people falling out of windows? Surely at some point people must take some responsibility for themselves.



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Maybe make it a legal requirement that high level floor windows get bars preventing exit ? Seems a basic safety measure.

Perhaps railings to cover half the windows? Or if to costly, and if its social housing then a couple of bars or planks across to stop the falling.

Given that one of the children that died was 5 years old, how can they take responsibility for themselves?

Compulsory window limiters on all upper storey windows.

I've got them on my upstairs windows, they can be released in an emergency.

Window locks or window jammers work well. 

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What Action Does She Want? Abolish Gravity?

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