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Another Black Hole In The Making?

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ToraToraTora | 09:07 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
10 Answers

Funnt how £22bn seems to be labour's favourite number!



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It's a good cause. The world needs such at present.

But raises doubt in the black hole finances claim.

Unbelieveably idiotic, strewth!

The black hole claim is nonsense.

        "Funnt how £22bn seems to be labours favourite number"   Perhaps 22 is their favourite number because that is the number of the years they are going to be in power this time.

Be lucky to make it to 22 months at the rate they're going.  Bunch of useless amateurs.

Since Labour got into power, why do I have this image in my head of a bull in a china shop? 

10C; and the Chacos Island fiasco has happened since you left !

The sincere centre left members of the party are being let down. I'm not of course one, but I genuinely feel sorry for them, and I feel certain there's worse to come.

Isabelle Hardman gave a very strange interview on GB News last night, she seemed to be treading on eggshells and being careful what she could say, but I think there's a s. storm brewing about Starmer. 

Dale Vince on the radio this morning said Carbon Capture is a terrible idea. Considering he thinks it's a bad idea, given how green he is, perhaps it is.


They've missed a trick with Chacos. If Rwanda was considered unsafe, they could have used Chacos.


Heard a great quote from Andrew Neil earlier...


"Labour's mandate is as wide as an ocean, but as shallow as a village pond" How true.


This is a one-term Govt.

The island was strategically important especially regarding China. I see the islanders are complaining they weren't involved in the talks. Seems no one here was either. (Not even parliament ?)

Best method of carbon capture is to plant trees & other vegetation. Difficult if you're covering the country with new housing estates.

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Another Black Hole In The Making?

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