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One In Fifty Of The Albanians In The Uk Are In Prison...

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sandyRoe | 16:34 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | News
26 Answers

... according to a report in today's Telegraph.  If this is true it's a shocking indictment of our society.  What are we doing wrong that has led to this, and what could we do to facilitate their assimilation into our world?

First step, a Royal Commission, perhaps?



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A very good  question, needing an accurate answer - but I bet it's not forthcoming.

How can we be responsible for the behaviour of criminal Albanians?  They don't want to integrate with our society and make no effort to do so.

Agreed, cashier - so why are we having to cope with having them in our midst and how do we rid ourselves of them?

"so why are we having to cope with having them"? Because there are so many people like sandy who think they are poor lame ducks we have to take in and take care of - so they can rob us blind.

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In the 19th Century the refugees from Russia and Eastern Europe who arrived here were treated abysmally.  

Many of the descendants of those refugees are now pillars of our society.

Give Albanians half a chance and their descendants could do the same.

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One In Fifty Of The Albanians In The Uk Are In Prison...

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