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"Two-Faced "Boris Johnson Attacked By Amber Rudd Over Lies In Memoir.

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gulliver1 | 09:31 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | News
29 Answers

Former Home secretary Ms Rudd says Johnsons autobiography is more like reading the Beano comic than a serious Book.And calls him "Johnson the Janus"...Johnsons book is called unleashed and is the product of his split personality and reads more like Billy Bunter  let loose in Westminster.The book shows he has no integrity and only ever does what suits him best she claims....I think she has described him to a Tee.



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When you have read the book yourself you will then be able to criticise it but until then you are only taking another's word for it.

I think I can see a problem with that boto !

Boris as virologist?  - apparently the chinese scientists did it. ( B bless read LatinnGreek at uni " greats" - not microbiology ( Path n bact)

so you can bin the rest of the book as far as I am concerned

( if it were engineered, then you should  be able to  identify the joins where the good stuff is inserted in the DNA, as kinda DNA solder) . You can't

Amber Rudd who was forced to resign as Home Secretary for misleading parliament.

er I seem to remember a prime minister who was forced to resign as er Prime minister stemming from his chronic inability to tell the truth

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I am sure another Ex Tory PM.. Lettuce Liz tried this idea of writing a book to supplement her income, it was on offer with Amazon at two for the price of one..I think Boris's book will soon be on offer at five for the price of one.... WAP . He should have stayed with bonking.

He should have stayed with bonking.

bonking does have an end product, but not money. We all need loolah, even ex prime ministers - - - lots of children to support

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be fair Gullz - we cannot be sure Naomi did the evil act. - it may not be even likely

There are crits which  are so bad fr'instance- "this pile of  filth should be read by no man. The details of what he  got up to in public lavatories during XYZ ( war. the war. ramadan , yom kippur choose one only etc)" that you think "oh  I might buy a copy - you know, just to see if...."

There are other crits that put you off from the beginning " Ivan Ivanowicz was a Stakhanovite..." - and you think " gawd I will  give this one a miss"

Boris has or had a very fluent style

October 10th publication date.  Same date as Miranda Hart's book "I haven't been Entirely Honest with You".  Possibly more suitable title for Bojo's book?

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