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Ees To Be Scrapped By The Eu.

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gulliver1 | 13:19 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | News
24 Answers

Common sense at last.The much delayed Entry -Exit System which would have  involved Brits being fingerprinted and photographed each time they entered the EU.Looks like being scrapped .This system would have caused long queues and delays at airports. I think Sir Keir may have had a hand in this one when he visited Brussels last week and could be his first gentle step to bringing Britain back into the EU.



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Gulliver.  Before you open a new post perhaps you could deal with matters raised in previous post, especially an apology to me for the false assertions you made about me.

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Think Starmer is playing it cool here . He knows that it was Brexit that lost the GE for the Cons and when he gets Britain back into the EU it will win the next GE for Labour. Giving them at least ten years in Govt

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You're right TTT, but never mind Christmas will soon be here and he can hang up his stocking, and play with toys that Father Christmas brings him, and leave this site to adults to discuss things that matter.

gramps, gulliver or his sidekick nicebloke don't do apologies when they get stuff wrong.  gullliver how much money have the EU wasted on this EES, I'll bet it runs into the 100s of millions and they still can't get it to work properly and they started working on it before we even had the referendum to leave the EU.

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13.42 TSM ..........."I'll bet it runs into 100s of millions"...........            The UK spent £100m preparing for the system. Because after Brexit ...Boris negotiated with the EU for British travellers to be treated as third Country Nationals to which the system would apply. lol🤣

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Gramps. I have neither the time or the crayons to explain things to you or TTT...Sorry.

And the editors wonder why newcomers don't stay and the regulars don't contribute financially.

Gulliver "I dont  have the crayons or time to explain"because you can' to busy posting utter drivel to put it politely.

So gulliver how much do you think the EU wasted on it so far.

Just a little caveat for gulliver as I have mentioned before I worked in Germany the ordinary workers were not happy losing the mark or propping up failing states.

Gulliver But you have time to post drivel.

It might help if Gulliver could actually get his facts right before posting.  

Firstly, it looks like the EES might be delayed, rather than scrapped.

Secondly, while there is possibly some doubt as to whether fingerprinting will go ahead in exactly the way that was originally planned, Gulliver's statement that those plans "would have  involved Brits being fingerprinted and photographed each time they entered the EU" is simply incorrect. 

The UK has issued biometric passports since 2006 and holders of all such passports would only need to be fingerprinted once. Thereafter they could use the self-service system (which is already in place at all major points of entry into the EU) to simply walk through the gates without going to passport control at all:

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Oh dear even Lord Mandelson has stepped in to say that The UK could start talks on rejoing the EU  in a few years time... to reverse Brexit .

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Buenchico 14,36 It may also help if you got your facts correct before criticising others. Quoted from The Independent today "EU Delays biometric border plans again as demand for  fingerprints could be .....Scrapped"

 it's a mystery to most of us why the idiot is even allowed on this site.

 it's a mystery why most of the usual suspects are allowed on this site  - - hey ho for free speech  

Hi Gullz  - see you are excoriating  the AB crowd

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14.55 Hi Peter looks like the herd is gathering again.

Pack - they attack in turns

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15.05 Chico. It might also help if the mods got a grip on the rudeness that TTT wreaks every time he breaks site  rules number 1 and  2

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