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Financial Ombudsman

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CW1 | 18:18 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | Business & Finance
3 Answers


I sent quite a complicated complaint to an investment company in April. I've had no meaningful response, just 4 weekly "we need more time" emails, last one on 13 September.


I contacted the Ombudsman 10 days later & did receive a request, from an individual, for more info, which I sent. Their automated reply email basically says if you don't hear from them in 7 days, they can't help. I've not heard from them since.

Has anyone come across this before ? 

I'll email them again tomorrow (being 14 days since I've heard from them) but, as it stands, I don't know if the individual who contacted me is my "complaint handler" or if, indeed, they can't help. If they can't, where do I go from here ?

I can be patient if need be - I think I have ! It's the not knowing.



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Try a phone call to 0800 023 4567:

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Yeah, I saw that in the email, Buenchico, thanks. To call

"if you’re experiencing serious financial or health problems"

Guess I'll try emailing again & take it from there. 

yes - by and large they  are pretty hopeless ( am applealing motor insurance even tho the FAq s say - we dont do much you know ( true they dont)

and 1) keep all your emails and letters

and  2) you have to get a final refusal from the company - that is surprisingly obvious - " we decide 'no, bog off' and you are allowed to refer the matter to the ombudsman...." is  something to look out for

and you may have THEIR ref number keep on using it - - "I have applied for....and heard nothing"

I a on the final phase of this - in by Oct 29th or lose it

put not your faith in regulators



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Financial Ombudsman

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