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Fingers Crossed.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:46 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | News
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you would call your toast anti semitic for getting burned ynna... you use it so trivially that it's meaningless coming from you

If my toast was pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah,i would describe it thus Untitled.You said yourself that you have been on pro-Hamas,pro-Hezbollah marches,therefore my description of you and others is correct.

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untitled: "because the oct 7th terror attack was also a reaction toratoratora. not a justifiable one or a proportional one or a correct one of course. it did not come out of nowhere. " - yes there is history but the fact remains that on Oct 6th 2023 the area was relatively calm, you yourself regularly point out that Hamas was funded by Israel. They had their own autonomous region to build their tunnels and other infrastructure. all the time planning to bite the hand that feeds them and implement their underlying plan, the irradication of Israel and by extension the rest of us by any means. I will agree to not refer to you as a terrorist supporter if you accept that all of what has happened since 7th Oct 2023 is the fault of Hamas and stop it with the silly posts attacking Israel.

I haven't been on pro hamas marches. I've been on pro-palestine ones.

Untitled //I haven't been on pro hamas marches. I've been on pro-palestine ones.//

Did you carry a sign saying, 'From the River to the Sea' ?

and if you didn't someone else on the march did. How do you feel about that & did you identify with those comrades?

and no I will not stop criticizing israel's government and military for doing things that i think are wrong... it seems you do not actually believe what you say but simply use these words to try and shut up people you disagree with !

I think that "from the river to the sea" refers to the cause of palestinian freedom khandro... it does necessitate the destruction of israel

Untitled, it means the destruction of Israel.

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untitled: "and no I will not stop criticizing israel's government and military for doing things that i think are wrong..." - fine your choice, I can only conclude then that you do support Hamas and co.

"it seems you do not actually believe what you say but simply use these words to try and shut up people you disagree with !" - no idea what you are talking about there. I do believe what I say, Israel are justified in the extermination of the terroris threat, I cannot be any more plain than that.

But on the last march there was anti-semites carrying posters saying"We love Hezbollah"and "Hezbollah are not terrorists" you agree with these"pro-Palestine"marchers Untitled?

"it does necessitate the destruction of Israel"????...and you are happy with that Untitled?

it doesn't naomi. it's a call for palestinians to be liberated in that territory. such a thing does not require israel to be destroyed. 

i wasn't at that one ynna

"fine your choice, I can only conclude then that you do support Hamas and co."


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untitled at 15:47 you said //I think that "from the river to the sea" refers to the cause of palestinian freedom khandro... it does necessitate the destruction of israel//

So you agree that  "it does necessitate the destruction of israel" - later at 15:58:

//it doesn't naomi. it's a call for palestinians to be liberated in that territory. such a thing does not require israel to be destroyed. //

which is it?

it's a typo. i meant to write "does not"

Untitled; 'Recently, the opinion has taken root in Israel, and among many Jews and non-Jews internationally, that the slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ is antisemitic, calling for the destruction of the state of Israel and the ethnic cleansing or murder of all Jews living in it.


 Jewish organizations and other political players around the world are demanding a ban on the use of this slogan. In the UK, the Labour Party suspended MP Andy McDonald for using the phrase at a demonstration, and the Football Association banned players from using it on their personal Facebook accounts. In Germany the situation is even more drastic. In Berlin, for example, the use of the slogan at demonstrations is prohibited and demonstrators who shout it are arrested. The right-wing newspaper Die Welt went as far as running a podcast headline ‘Free Palestine is the new Heil Hitler’. No less!'

Untitled, telling yourself it's not so doesn't make it so.  That mantra calls for Palestine to be free from the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea - and if you know your geography you'll know what that means.  Palestine - not Israel.

if you look at what Andy McDonald actually said then his suspension is ridiculous. it's an excellent example of someone being accused on trumped up charges of antisemitism just to shut them up

the only people who have taken up the "opinion" that the slogan is antisemitic are people who are propagandists for the present israeli government. i do not agree and neither do most of the people who actually use it

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16:04 that's even worse I'd have had some respect if you did own up to that. Have you looked at the map?  The area between the river and the sea is full of Israel. They want that, how can that NOT mean the destruction of Israel?

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