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31 Months

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DDIL | 15:26 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | News
34 Answers

Conservative councillor's wife is jailed for 31 months for inciting racial hatred on Twitter on day of Southport attacks




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would you like them to?

Still nothing on the police attackers Manchester Airport.

I just want consistency bednobs. I think 31 months is harsh for either but jail them both or neither.

isuppose the difference is she plead guilty.  You can't get a sentence that's outside of the sentencing guidelines

Still nothing on the police attackers Manchester Airport.

and i guess some aggrivating factors in her case (ie during a period of civil unrest)

31 monfs - out in 15 m

Yeah, Yeah ( joke) as she was lead from the Court - she screamed My Lord dont I get any consideration for being married to my Husband - for 15 years !

haw haw haw - that wont last

Still nothing on the police attackers Manchester Airport.

Miss! Miss! - to a mod - complete non-sequitur !

I just want consistency bednobs. I think 31 months is harsh for either but jail them both or neither.

The great TTT

different facts - different punishments - I am sure we had that previously - You are consistent. TTT - consistently off the wall

i think a little less than a year by my calculations PP.

shes been ordered to serve40% of the sentence, and (presumably) been on remand for a couple of monthsby now

Peter pedant complete non-sequitur ! it is relevant as they are jailing people for stupid words.

 it is relevant as they are jailing people for stupid words.

er Manchester - was breaking peoples noses and kicking them - different quite different to 'stupid words'

but hey this is AB and the mods are busy slashing something else

P_P you dont see the irony in your post.🙄

13:36. I don't know in all honestly. I know some of the hate preachers had huge (completely justified) sentences amd deportation.

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