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Boris Shoots Himself In The Foot Again.

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gulliver1 | 09:50 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
13 Answers

🤣Boris hoping for bumper book sales from his new book unleashed, has hit a snag .He was hoping for bumper sales throughout the EU .    However it looks like under the trade barriers that Boris himself played an 🤣influential🤣 role His book might not be allowed into the EU...Good🤣



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learn to post links you dummy!

Gulliver shoots himself in the foot again.  The link is in the OP.

More great publicity!  The book is already top of the bestseller list.  

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"Memoirs of a clown" .🤣 Would have been a more fitting title🤣

This is Boris's book gulliver not yours.  I don't thi

Gone before I had finished.  Meant to put that I have never known anyone with such an obsession to anyone like you have with boris.  It's unhealthy.

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TSM 10.46 Keep in logged out mode when typing ...Easy🤣

Boris is a irrelevance. I don't know why you keep up your fascination with him.

Why don't you go out, get some fresh air and try and find a hobby or two? 

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11.09 Curlyfries ...If my posts are causing you distress and Anxiety  Stay away.   It's as simple as that.  OK.

Hi Gullz - no end of the queue  who wish to snatch the gun that Boris used and shoot YOU !

I think we are in a better position in England: Trump looks as tho he may make it for a second term


Curli Fries  if you dont like Gullible then dont  read him.Jesus

Talk about total twaddle and outright hatred of Boris more than expressed here. All I have to say is, 'Gully, remember the Hugh Downs quote on hatred.

“Hatred is never anything but fear – if you feared no one, you would hate no one.”

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Boris Shoots Himself In The Foot Again.

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