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gulliver1 | 10:12 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

Rachel Reeves has been urged to cut the Half a billion pound donation every year to the Royal Family provided by the tax payer, instead of cutting funding to public services and welfare as expected in the coming Budget, to help fund the £22 billion black hole left by the previous Tory Govt.




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The don't get half a billion pounds.

Sovereign grant, 2022-2023, £86.3 million.

"  Brand Finance estimates the capital value of the UK Monarchy as a business at £67.5bn  Monarchy’s annual contribution to the UK economy in 2017 is £1.766bn  Annual cost per head is less than £4.50 a year, equal to just over 1p a day.


Gulliver shoots himself in the foot again.

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"The cost of Monarchy is  out of control .It cannot be justified,it is the result of corruption and abuse of public funds by a family with a deep sense of entitlement" Not my words, but do any abers agree.?

Funny how gulliver is able to copy and paste yet can't do links.  This last post of his came from the Republic.  The headline in the thread also looks like it came from there.

We spend 125 times more on foriegn aid for "climate change" initiatives. If something needs cutting it's that.

"Not my words..."

Well come on. Help us out a bit here. Whose words are they?

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