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Debt Rule To Change To Fund Major Projects

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naomi24 | 11:07 Fri 18th Oct 2024 | News
37 Answers

//At the moment, the amount of money the government can borrow for investment is restrained by the amount of debt it has.


There is a self-imposed rule that debt – the total amount the government owes – must fall in five years’ time.


But the Treasury has effectively confirmed it will loosen the target in order to borrow billions more to invest in a range of major projects.//


The government will borrow billions more.  What could possibly go wrong?



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What could go wrong? Very little providing Sir Keir carries on pluging the holes that are leaking billions. The cons had 14 years to plug these holes but did nothing. Benefit fraud has been draining this country dry. Benefit fraud is now running at 7.4 billion a year and its taken a Labour government to do something about it, they are now going to raid the bank accounts of this riff raff who have under the cons been filling their wallets with tax payers money, its been a long time coming. The workshy that have been sitting on their ass for years unable to get out of bed in the morning can also look forward to their fat injection and that should also help the billions that are being lost treating this shower within the NHS. Can't the AB cons see that a foundation is being built here to get this country back on track, or is it a case of you don't want to see it. Bring on a tuff budget also. Every little helps. <:•)

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^There's one who's fallen for it.

At least i had the guts to vote in the GE, not sit on the fence.

who didn't vote?

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I didn't, TTT, but that doesn't equate to sitting on the fence.  That would have meant I was undecided.  I wasn't.

so where you unable to get to the polling station?

Talk is cheap - anyone can pontificate about plugging holes / stopping benefit cheats & tax evaders / smashing people smuggling gangs / etc.

Much of this has been said in the past but little has been done that is effective. Labour won't be any different.

PS - the weight loss injection thing to get people "back to work" is a complete red herring.

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I opted not to go to the polling station, TTT.

Just in case anyone is confused about mw falling for it,far from it I voted for it, a tuff PM. After seeing Boris treat high office has his playground and following months of in fighting to become the new PM X 2 while ignoring the needs of this country, it was an easy choice to make unlike some.

11.33 davebrov. Talk is cheap? Depends who's talking. The benefit scum need to look out because its already in action. So no cheap talk from KS.

11:33 so you were not undecided but you didn't vote? why?

11:53 wow, the lesser spotted Labour voter! a rare beast indeed. I've been struggling to find someone who will admit to it for weeks!

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TTT, I wasn't undecided - devoid of conviction I decided I didn't want any of them.  

A labour voter don't go about bragging about making the right choice, but just sit back and enjoy the result of such a good choice. Only now and again when they can see others confused does one speak up to help them see the light. <:•)

well you are the only one that has owned up well perhaps 10cs did actually vote Labour here:

read that, at least he has the honour to admit he was wrong. You continue to delude yourself.

When Labour gets into power up here in Scotland in 2026(if not sooner),i hope they dont make the same mistakes that Starmer and his mob have been making down in Westminster.I thought Labour would be a"new broom",but no.Very disappointed.

Mistakes please?^^

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