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31 Months Is The Going Rate For Calling For The Death Of Someone Isn't It?

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ToraToraTora | 13:07 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
19 Answers

I look forward to Carol Beattie's arrest and prosecution.



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If you're referring back to the Councillor recently gaoled for thirty-one month, she had been charged with, "distributing material with the intention of stirring up racial hatred."

Is there not a wee bit difference between what she and Carol Beattie have done? 




read the other threads you started- what others wrote and not yourself, wise tho it may be - and you will see it ISN'T the going rate

ho hum, Ab on a sunday - and dont go sneaking to the mods, give it a rest for a day


well noted CBL - mods clearly have a use

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13:34 A woman was recently jailed for 31 months for publicly calling for a hotel of migrants to be burned.

This woman has publicly called for an entire family to be decapitated.

Is it ok to call for death by decapitation but not by burning?

What a creature!  Scotland is welcome to her.

What could she be charged with?

o god  thank  god we arent discussing anything important

It's very different from inciting mob violence which the previous woman was charged with, but this woman should be stripped of any power she has and removed from the party immediately.

Are some seeing something that's not there?

A French solution could be the abolishment of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic.

A legitimate aspiration, I'd have said.

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14:19 She did not incite anything she just gave her opinion, same as the SNP woman.

it wd be different if someone dragged a guillotine to the front ( fassaaaaard!) of Buckingham Palace and er started practisiing on pigs ( little ones) 

THEN it cd be incitement

yeah and then knitters dressed in red go and sit on the stools that someone has kindly set outside the scaffold....- and one says "  ere rennaaay  ! I forgot me culottes, I anit gorranny culottes,  I hvent"


She should learn a bit of history.  We tried it in this country in 1649, but the alternative was so awful we restored it in 1660.

14.27 From the Spectator

" In her Twitter tirade, Connolly called for ‘mass deportation now’, adding: 

Set fire to all the *** hotels full of the *** for all I care. While you’re at it take the treacherous government and politicians with them."


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14:37 how is that different to calling for the decapitation of an entire family on twitface?

"14:19 She did not incite anything she just gave her opinion"

yet she plead guilty 

Question Author

I'm just talking about the words she used. I don't know the rules for what constitutes incitement. She probably pleaded guilty to reduce the sentence as her "guilt" had already been politically decreed.

if you dont know, why are you comparing the two?  it seems rather unlikly to me that your woman would be charged with, or plead guilty to "distributing material with the intention of stirring up racial hatred". the sentencing factors (which pushed the category of her crime, and therefore her sentence up) also do not apply in this case

TORATORATORA, "I don't know the rules for what constitutes incitement."

Clearly, you don't but that didn't stop you from claiming,  "She did not incite anything she just gave her opinion, same as the SNP woman."

You've not thought this through, have you?

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