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Why Is Israel Refusing To Let Independent Journalists Into Gaza?

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sandyRoe | 13:21 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | News
75 Answers

Those ill disposed to them might say it's because the crimes they've committed are such that the world would be shocked by what they've done there.

That's unlikely, isn't it?  So what is the reason?



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they don't want to let them in because of the horrible things they will find there. it's as simple as that. 
16:35 Sun 20th Oct 2024

They don't trust them to report fairly.

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All of them?  Fox news, for example, they wouldn't report fairly?

Well terrorist apologists would have a fit if they cherry picked which journos were allowed so they've gone with none.

Why should they sandy,the Gazaian terrorists started this whole sheet-show.The Israelis have the moral upper-hand here.Long may it continue.

Probably keeping them safe.

Perhaps they've seen enough biased reporting to have learnt the lesson.

Why hasn't Hamas released the hostages?

They ( IDF) say they are going to bomb the crap out of Jabalia say, and then dont allow any cameras in to record

the masses celebrating Freedom ( Tahrira I think) and singing and dancing their way to safety  ( as guaranteed by the good  olde IDF that is! )- flowers on the donkeys ears....plenty of food, bogs that flush

it wd be wonderful propaganda.....

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Didnt Trump say to BiBi ' in a phone call - they hadnt killed enough Palestinians ?

BBC news today

oh well that settles that one !

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Anyone who truly believes that the Israelis have the moral upper-hand must be living in a topsy-turvy world.

the reasons were so shocking our wise mods thought it was best for everyone, if no  one saw

no sandy that is why my views were deleted !

@14.36.So who started this whole blood-fest on 7th October last year sandy?

14:36 anyone who thinks the baby burners are "freedom fighters" needs their bumps felt.

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If the Jewish Chronicle had an on-line forum where people could post , I'd expect critical posts to be consigned to the rubbish bin.  It doesn't seem right, somehow, that contrary opinions here in AB are censored.

sandyRoe, you've offered your fair share of opinions that haven't been censored.  We've heard arguments from both sides - and plenty of them.

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