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How Long Before Some Of These Are Back In?

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ToraToraTora | 15:40 Tue 22nd Oct 2024 | News
5 Answers

Why don't they let out most of the 3000 odd that have indeterminate sentences?



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"Why don't they let out most of the 3000 odd that have indeterminate sentences?"

Or better still why don't they look at the 10,000 foreign nationals currently in prison, identify those with no right to be here, release them, along with an escort to the nearest airport and put them on  flight home?

In answer to your question, NJ, Anne Widdecombe, speaking on GB News, says; 

"There are various reasons for that. I mean i like the idea in theory. In practise, some countries won't recognise them as their nationals. In others, those countries will not imprison them."

"So you would be effectively realrasing them. In others, their justice system is so completely different that the prisoners would serve only a fraction of what we sentenced them to, or even longer."

"This is not simply the fault of the Labour government. I mean, i don't think they're responding in the right way, but it's not their fault."

"This is the fault of years and years of neglect of the situation by a Consevative government, i'm afraid to say."

Yes ken, I know there would be problems getting them back to some countries.

But I wasn't talking about them being sent there to complete their sentences. What happens to them when they get there is largely none of our concern. I was simply interested in getting them out of here.

It's a win-win as far as I can see - we free up prison spaces and we get rid of people with no right to be here. 

You have a problem when they are refused entry and get sent back here.

Why would they be refused entry into their own countries canary?

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How Long Before Some Of These Are Back In?

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