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Shortage Of Teachers

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nicebloke1 | 12:57 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | News
4 Answers

On tv the other night i caught the tail end of some news reporting difficulties in recruiting school teachers, not sure if it was just my area, but they did say that some areas had no applications whatsoever. So whats your opinion on why no one seems to want these jobs.



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Because you have to suffer abuse, can't say a word wrong, spend more than half your life as a social worker and a fair bit learning about different genders and identifiers and the right pronouns to use rather than a teacher and absolutely no means of dealing with poor behaviour without the the threat of suspension and court. Who'd want to??

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Well all that you post did cross my mind, but not all schools have those problems. So does this mean that the schools that do end up closing their doors. That would be very worrying.

Because you can't do right for doing wrong.

There is no protection for the teacher but loads of protection for the child.

Just look at the 100 odd answers to the OP complaining about the colour of school trousers, the OP was complaining that a family member was suspended for not following the school rules - they argued and argued that their family member was right and everyone else was wrong.


In some of our local schools they find it hard to recruit male teachers as they are afraid of being accused of things by pupils and then they are suspended for months before finally being allowed back into class.  Also not allowed to teach common sense and having to stick exactly to the curriculum and not go  off it at all or they get into trouble.  This comes from 2 friends both teachers.

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Shortage Of Teachers

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