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Looks Like Starmer Has Bottled It....

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ToraToraTora | 20:36 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

pity I was looking forward to being able to sit outside at pubs again.



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Come to our local pub. It has an outside smoking area, far away from the other no smoking seating area.

Good call when pubs have had to spend time and money getting planning permission for outside seating, and the cost of landscapping / seating and roof covers. Many businesses would have gone bust. AND AGAIN outside smoking does not harm anyone, well at least no more than car fumes.

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nicebloke: "AND AGAIN outside smoking does not harm anyone, well at least no more than car fumes."

AND AGAIN I don't care if it's harmless I don't want to smell and breath the aeriel detritus of the sad addicts.

But its ok to breath and smell 20 ton lorries and hundreds of cars passing the pub,strange that? Sadly this time round your wishes are not going to be granted

This thread is about smoking.

You can do a separate one about petrol fumes, nicebloke1. But bear in mind cars have to drive on the road. Smokers can smoke in their own homes or on a  riverbank or while walking, but they don't have to smoke in pub gardens  (just as we accept they shouldn't smoke in in pubs or shops or work places or hospitals.

Outdoor smoking in beer gardens isn't something that's bothered me, but on a recent holiday abroad there were lots of locals smoking in rstaurants. bars outside and because the tables were so close it was horrible- we had to keep moving tables.

Cars smoke.

Its law that smokers can smoke outside end of. Moan all you like.

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Looks Like Starmer Has Bottled It....

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