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It Seems Working People Cannot Have Assets..........right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 09:29 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
16 Answers

More warped thinking from the clueless PM. So how did I buy my house? My car? My private jet? (oops!)

So if you worked hard and bought something, Labour will determine that you are not "working people" and hammer you for tax! Welcome to real Labour!



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Well what did you expect?


Now reading your link you've again taken that completely out of context and fitted your own take on it, so not worth any further debate. Nice try thou.

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09:34 The title says: "Sir Keir Starmer says those with assets are 'not working people' - paving way for possible tax rises" - that's pretty clear to those of us that speak English me old china.

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Dystopian Labour , don't save, don't invest, never write a cheque...


Seems very clear to me TTT.  But then I am not a blinkered ideologist who cant admit when the Party I love is failing.


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09:34 The PM said //"He said a working person is somebody who “goes out and earns their living, usually paid in a sort of monthly cheque”. However, they don't have the ability to “write a cheque to get out of difficulties”.// - that's pretty clear.

The title isn't a quote though.


Sir Keir said he believed a working person was somebody who "goes out and earns their living, usually paid in a sort of monthly cheque" but they did not have the ability to "write a cheque to get out of difficulties".


Asked by Sky News' political editor Beth Rigby whether he would classify a working person as someone whose income derived from assets, such as shares or property, the prime minister said: "Well, they wouldn't come within my definition."

Sounds right to me.

Working people have shares. Has he never heard of the public sell offs of the family silver ?

Working folk who have earned enough from their skills and been prudent with their spending can also own properties, and not just their main residence.

His definitions seem somewhat off. He seems to be including only the lowest resource individuals in society, which, I suggest, is clearly wrong.

Few use investments as a primary income source. So the clarification seems suspect to me. Best not to die or you (your estate) will be taxed for having the audacity to do so during this present government's reign.  And sell nothing defined as capital assets either.

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chelle7272: "The title isn't a quote though."

no that's further down:

Sir Keir said he believed a working person was somebody who "goes out and earns their living, usually paid in a sort of monthly cheque" but they did not have the ability to "write a cheque to get out of difficulties".

//Asked by Sky News' political editor Beth Rigby whether he would classify a working person as someone whose income derived from assets, such as shares or property, the prime minister said: "Well, they wouldn't come within my definition."//

They are clearly not a working person. But there are plenty of people who work and acquire assetts, he seems to think that is some sort of sin and those people should be punished for their endeavour.

Starmer lied when he was asked what was his favourite book when he said he didn't have one, he has, it's Das Kapital by Karl Marx.

In fact similarly to Jeremy Corbin, it may be the only book he's read.

Asked by Sky News' political editor Beth Rigby whether he would classify a working person as someone whose income derived from assets, such as shares or property, the prime minister said: "Well, they wouldn't come within my definition."

Sounds right to me.




Then you are not very bright.

He thinks it right that a person who goes out to work does not have the ability to 'write a cheque' - doesn't earn enough to have money in the bank to make ends meet. 

Where does that millionaire plumber fit in?

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Socialists hate prosperity, their voters are people who think and envy like they do. When people prosper they tend to see through socialism. That's why labour and socialists genarally hate it when people work hard to improve themselves. They want people to stay poor and hate those that bettered themselves. Of course they have no idea where the money to pay for their fantasies comes from. It comes from those they hate and seek to irradicate. When they find a magic money tree they do not think to take some of what it has and let it grow more money or even propagate its seed into new money trees. They take what is there and hack that tree down. Eventually they run out of the money trees but they never seem to connect the dots.

In the warped left wing world, assets that have been worked for are considered anti social   ...   whereras assets that have been stolen or received as bribes are cushty and to be admired. A criminals charter and a justification to steal or corrupt.   

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It Seems Working People Cannot Have Assets..........right Oh!

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