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Charles And Camilla In Samoa

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smurfchops | 13:41 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
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They look bored stiff to me. 



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I would imagine that they are shattered!

Despite travelling in luxury it is still a lot of travel and that can be knackering for even the fittest!

I have a solution.

Disband the Monarchy.

Here is another solution.  Respect the man for trying to prolong the Commonwealth that his late mother nurtured.  Good on Him I say.

How will that solve the problem of him being knackered?

I noticed Camilla looked very wobbly when exiting the plane on landing.  Not happy at all.

They must be exhausted.  He's not a fit man and I've thought Camilla looks a bit unsteady in her feet for a while now - and she's taken to holding Charles's arm.   Credit to them though for taking a scheduled flight as far as Singapore on their way to Australia though.  It's more than some of our Government are doing.

boo hiss

I loved the picture of Camilla walking up a set of stairs in her stocking feet the other day.


I laughed when a reporter spoke to an excited Australian teenager aged about 15.  The king said he hoped she hadn't been waiting long - and she told him 'I'd wait forever for you, my majesty'.  My majesty!  😂

We both commented last night how happy and relaxed Charles looks actually, not a bit bored.
Camilla is always a bit of a fidget, not just on this tour but generally, but they're a good support for each other.

she should be so lucky 🤣

//I have a solution. Disband the Monarchy.//

And the Commonwealth. Anachronistic institutions both.

Indeed - the King will be 76 this year and the Queen a year older. If they had to attend this ridiculous Commonwealth jamboree it should have been planned as a stand-alone trip.

Arrive there, shake hands with blokes with no shirts on, wearing grass skirts, watch a bit of the natives jigging about doing their version of the Haka, a few sips of the local electric soup, distilled from palm leaves or coconuts or whatever.

Then a brief speech at the conference, emphasising that just because it's called a Commonwealth that does not indicate that whatever wealth is around is common to everybody present and that the minor participants have had all they are going to get from the Mother Country. A quick reminder that there is no point in them fretting about climate change. The big hitters have largely abandoned them to their fate and there's sod all we can do about it, no matter if we cover the entire country with windmills and solar panels imported from China and burn all the wood there is to be had from North America in Yorkshire. Advice to the island nations is to take to the high ground (those that have any, that is).

Then back on the plane home..

A separate trip could have then been arranged to Oz, perhaps at the back end of 2025 to take in a day or two at one of the Ashes Test Matches scheduled for November to January. If he’d attended the final match he could have awarded the replica urn to the victorious England captain.

As an aside I believe the lakkies who organise these things need to use a suitable aircraft to transport the Royal Party. I understand they travelled separately to Singapore and met there, the Queen already comfortably ensconced in Raffles’ Long Bar, knocking back the Slings.

The King, apparently eager to burnish his green credentials, flew steerage and travelled on the Elizabeth line to Heathrow. Because of a signal failure in the Ealing Broadway area and a trespasser on the line at Acton Main Line, he nearly missed his scheduled flight. Apparently because of his late arrival he had already been bumped off the flight and it was only the forceful intervention of his aide-de-camp, asking loudly at the check-in if the assistant "knew who he was" (being from Lithuania, she didn't, but was soon advised) that they managed to squeeze him in with a seat by the rear toilets.

There is  perfectly suitable Airbus A330 available for VIP transport. The royal couple should have used that and if they had made the arrangements early enough, the Royal Rolls could have tagged along behind whatever pop idol had been granted use of the Royal Protection Group’s motorcycle convoy team to get them to Heathrow.

It’s disgraceful that the ageing King and Queen should have to endure such second rate treatment. 😀

PS - Is it me, or does everybody in Samoa - and indeed many of those South Pacific islands - appear to be incredibly overweight? Who remembers Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV, the King of Tonga up to 2006? Apparently he weighed in at an incredible 33 stones! What is it they are all scoffing down there?


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