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Murder As Protest

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Untitled | 15:01 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | News
15 Answers

a nazi has been found guilty of attempted murder because he attacked an asylum seeker with a knife. he said that he did it because he was frustrated about channel migrants and considered it his duty to exterminate one. 

no question i just thought his defence was interesting



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Bonkers - and paying £770 for a knife proves it.

I was just reading this story on sky and I thought to myself, I wonder how long it would take my only china untitled to post about this. Well 2 minutes and your post was here, you didn't let me down.

Complete nutter, we are all frustrated about the invasion but I don't blame the invaders I blame our own trobbery.

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glad to be of service tora 💋

We all feel angry and frustrated at times but no one has the right to take another person's life for any reason.  

His lift clearly doesn't go all the way to the top.  

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i wonder if the knife was one of his beloved nazi antiques.  he can probably make a good profit if he sells it on one of those horrible murderabilia sites

Should be locked up for the rest of his life.

What I find interesting though, is what piques your interest.

15:14 there is a picture in the link, looks like a modern folding lock knife. Paid over £700 sovs for it! Another indicator of his mental state!

Question Author

nazis do interest me clone yes. i don't buy antiques or dress as them though. i occasionally read their books when i can do so without giving money to the author. 

 ‘He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.’

Friedrich Nietzsche

Seems perfectly reasonable (well it did to him).

It's what happens when people's genuine concerns are ignored. It starts with the odd nutter, but has a habit of filtering down to the less unstable but more excitable members of society.

It's what happens when people's genuine concerns are ignored.



Ignored or covered up.

'Nahom Hagos, from Eritrea in East Africa, was eating in the conservatory of the Pear Tree Inn at Hindlip, near Worcester, when he was attacked.'

The guy is obviously a nutter, but perhaps in his derangement he thought of some OAPs in Hindlip who wouldn't mind eating in the conservatory of the Pear Tree Inn but couldn't afford to.

//some OAPs in Hindlip who wouldn't mind eating in the conservatory of the Pear Tree Inn but couldn't afford to.//

They wouldn't have been able to as that hotel has housed asylum seekers for the last 3 years.


^^ Wow!   so the  OAPs pay taxes so the immigrants can ?

It would appear so, yes.

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