“As the OP notes "uninformed" was in my original assertion.”I hate to labour the point but it wasn’t. “Uninformed” did not rear its head until much later.Initially you said “the trump "movement" seems to consistent of pizzagate people, qanon, religious loons, neonazis and white supremacists. more like a giant bowel movement in my opinion. america at its...
Help me understand your thinking: are you labelling anybody who votes for Trump (i.e. c.50% of the US electorate) potentially as "religious loons, neonazis and white supremacists."
Well it was Untitled who first mentioned Nazis THECORBYLOON,are you going to give him/her a warning also?Godwins Law and all that,or is it only me you target?
It was not ynnafymmi who introduced the term nazi into this thread, as you well know. The original reference has been removed but you cannot resist using it to be spiteful knowing that any later readers will not know it was there. More disgraceful behaviour.