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Good Morning Wednesday Birds.

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Smowball | 08:16 Wed 20th Nov 2024 | ChatterBank
12 Answers

Well we've got our first frost this morn -  not too much of it and makes a change from rain! Mind you, the weather forecast for the rest of the week here is varied to say the least - today and tomorrow prob 4 - 5 degrees, followed by Saturday approx 15 degrees! Huh? 
I guess in nxt week or so I really should start making a list of who I need to buy Xmas presents for, and then ideas for them. Every single year I say I will be organised and have everything bought and wrapped a couple of weeks in advance, and every year I find myself scrambling around online trying to find last minute things for someone I either forgot, or who I just had left it last minute again! Mind you, I really am determined this year not to buy nonsense, or gifts that really are never going to be used & just put in a drawer...... (like most things that adults buy each other lol!)



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We have a family spending limit of £20 for adults( it’s crept up over the years). It removes the anxiety of searching for the perfect, substantial gift for each one. We save the big bucks for our grandchildren who are still quite young.

Looking bright and sunny here, but only 6 degrees, forecast rain tomorrow.  Off to Exeter today, will go by train, looking for furniture ideas and a mooch around then will find somewhere to get a meal.

Think I said before, we only pay lip service to Christmas, will do the turkey dinner, mince pies and mulled wine.  My 2 goddaughters and the youngest's mum will get money, easy to send by post.

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Morning guys x Well the adults I need to buy for are MrSmow, his parents, and then my 4 kids. His parents are fairly easy as they have lots of things they like doing/cooking/house/garden etc, but MrSmow is absolutely impossible. He works, eats, sleeps, that's it lol. No hobbies whatsoever, unless you count watching tv in the eve. No day trip or experience day out things as they never get used and he just lets them expire. Kids again are pretty hard as I really don't like giving money - but it's getting to the point where I really am running out of ideas so may end up veering towards that soon...

Morning all

Still got a lot of snow. We only buy Christmas presents for children. It's a big relief for my extended family, they wouldn't know what to buy us

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Morning barry - still a lot of snow hey? Have you not built a snowman yet? lol.

My in-laws decided years ago to stop buying for each other at Xmas. Mainly because both of their birthdays are at the beginning of January so they spoil each other then. So at Xmas what they do is decide together to choose something to buy for the house or garden that they want. Which makes perfect sense. I guess MrSmow and I should consider doing that but apart from his parents he is the only person really who ever buys me a present and so I'm staying childish and wait for mine to unwrap on Xmas morning lol.

Are you always happy with what he's bought you, Smow?

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Barry yes, he's actually incredibly clever in present buying for me. But then again I think I'm really easy to buy for. I love my garden so anything for that. I like cooking, reading, love perfume, earrings, gadgets..... I really am easy to buy for lol. Last year he was more practical - I was setting up my office in one of the spare bedrooms, as work was getting busy, and he bought me my own printer (complete with packs of paper lol). Up until then I'd been forwarding him all my emails/orders to print off for me in his own office. Having my own it's used every single day!

That sounds like more of a present for him Smow! 😘

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lol possibly! 

Morning all. It snowed again overnight and I am told the roads are quite slippy. Mr R has gone into town to get a few groceries then later to pick up older son from the station but I am staying put.

We have men coming later to fit some replacement double glazing units, typical as its the coldest day so far . I nursed the fire to stay alight overnight so should be able to keep warm while they do it lol.

Have a happy day everyone, stay safe and warm 

Good morning all. Snow again overnight here but the sun is shining now and the paths are clearing. I knew it was coming so I stocked up Monday and don't have to go out again until Friday when I go to have Covid injection. I find it very annoying that I have lost most of my sense of smell and taste since having the first Covid injection. If I decline to have them in the future will my taste and smell come back, or I have I lost them permanently? Does anyone know? Sqd was good at answering questions like that.

As I no longer teach and do not have children I cannot get excited about Christmas, as I have said before I am a bit "bah humbug" about it all. The best Christmas I spent was when we went to Tunisia. Very little Christmassy stuff and the sun and beaches were fantastic. Unfortunately with OH being so up and down health wise it's not on the cards.

Bit of a miserable post - sorry. It is not one of my good days.

We're having a housebound day.  We are snowed in!  Blizzard conditions started just after 9 a.m., it's still snowing a bit. 

It rapidly became obvious that the council hadn't done any gritting.  I've caught up with a few outstanding 'jobs'  and will start on Xmas cards later.  

Hope to goodness we can get out tomorrow, I'm due to read a part in a poem-play!

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