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That's a turnip for the books ...

I've always found him annoying and unwatchable but I wouldn't have assumed he was a sex pest.

I've never liked him BUT I think all this 'im offended' stuff is getting a bit silly. No wonder no one wants to talk to each other these days. Too scared they will offend someone and get themselves in trouble.

"Is anyone surprised?"

Surely the question ought to be, "Is anyone bothered?"

"They taste the same but they cost less".

Has he been prosecuted?

Personally I will wait until he is before passing comment, although the evidence does seem stacked up so needs a thorough investigation - by Plod.

//Surely the question ought to be, "Is anyone bothered?"//

Well yes, it seems endemic in the BBC that is a tax payer funded institution.

YMF, i meant is anyone bothered that he has 'stood aside'. Not is anyone bothered whether the allegations are true or not.

Well for me then the answer is a no 😁  Couldnt care less.

This is a case of 'You can take the boy out of Peckham but you can't take Peckham out of the boy'.  He's a 'barra boy' - a brash, coarse Jack-the-Lad.  I like him on Masterchef and the travel programmes he's done - he makes me laugh - but he should have learnt by now that people can be precious where tacky, tasteless humour is concerned. I'll be surprised if he is able recover his career.  Silly man.

//Gregg Wallace has hit back at allegations of historic misconduct, saying they have come from a "handful of middle-class women of a certain age".//


He really doesn't help himself.  What a fool.



Reduced diminished ruined finished

I wonder what his somewhat younger wife thinks of all this?

Making money out of ridiculing and humiliating people (which amounts to bullying basically) is an unpleasant way of making a living, so this "allegation" and the acompanying publicity is a kind of Karma.

He obviously doesn't see others as real people, but as fodder for his exploitation, and this attitude extends to his sexual predilections. It's refreshing to see the odious little creep getting a taste of his own medicine.

No it doesn't surprise me, I've always thought he was the sort of brash person who would make innuendos but not have the wit to know it is no longer accepted. Another thing that annoys me is, like a few other people, who make "how is it made" type documentaries, he always had to have a go and usually made a hash of it. The operator who's done it for years had to stand there and  compliment them on doing a good job, knowing it wasn't. I don't trust anybody who has to be told frequently how good they are.

How on earth did he find four women who would marry him?

If the beeb had properly taken him to task when the first allegation(s) were made this might all have been avoided.

Not the first failure by the BBC.

I'm not that surprised to be honest.

I couldn't help but laugh during the most recent screened episode (the pre-recorded ones are still going to be shown) when the chefs returned to the kitchen & he said "Right chefs, you've got a job to do..."

//// How on earth did he find four women who would marry him? ///

Bounty hunters

brainiac @12:02...and of the earlier 3, who dumped who? 🤔 

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