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Mps Have Voted In Favour Of Assisted Dying.

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sandyRoe | 14:40 Fri 29th Nov 2024 | News
120 Answers

I hope the safeguards around any proposals are as strong as can be.



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untitled: "but the criteria are amendable. " - that short sentence is what people seem to miss, it has massive implications. When the parameters are movable they are challengeable, innevitably people close to them will want them moved, so they move. In the end we create an obligation to self terminate in those that may be in the way of something.

TTT, I've watched people die horrendously painful and lingering  deaths.  I've thought it through.

Clearly you have not as you focus on the irrelevant.

I wonder if TTT has seen a 15 stone 6ft man reduced to a 4 stone skeleton by lung cancer (my father)?

TTT, some people disagree with you and very often for good reason.  Perhaps you need to think it through.

Perhaos that's the sort of thing TTT considers irrelevant, Dave.  We're kinder to animals than we are to people.  We would never allow that to happen to a pet.  In fact if we did it's highly likely we'd be prosecuted.

11:43 well my mum died of lung cancer so I have an idea.  You all seem determined to miss the point. I agree that the cases cited should be allowed to die. That is not the point, you and others seem to be incapable of understanding my objection. It wont end there it will be challenged amended, there is even a very good example to point to yet you all seem determined to miss the point.

ok answer me this:

Once this law is framed and on the statute will it be amendable? Yes or no.

I don't believe it will ever be amended to include murder on demand as you seem to think, TTT.   

... but it will be amended, you accept that?

// I agree that the cases cited should be allowed to die.//

Everyone is "allowed to die" eventually - what this is about is allowing people to legally end their life prematurely.

That can only happen if the legislation is passed in some form. (Whatever your misgivings about "where it might lead")

I don't know - and neither do you.  Perhaps the way to go is for people to make their wishes clear before disease attacks.   That way the decision would be your own and not left up to relatives.

They have no qualms voting for the euthanasia of the elderly or infirm but quail at the prospect of capital punishment for mass murderers and terrorists. 

"The bright day is done, and we are for the dark."

Iras    ...  as she urges Cleopatra to commit suicide. 

TORATORATORA, "Once this law is framed and on the statute will it be amendable? Yes or no."

Any Act of Parliament can be amended or repealed.

I think TTT's position is untenable - he wants people to have the right to die in appropriate cases but doesn't want it to be allowed (made legal) in case of future abuse. Can't have it both ways.

""Nothing is immovable" - thank you for underlining why this cannot be allowed."

Cherry picking parts of answers to bolster your latest crusade is of no use to anyone but yourself, Tora.

I disagree with you and your intransigence.

The medical profession, in effect, helps the terminally ill along the way now by withdrawing treatment and in some cases administering drugs that are a little too strong for the patient to withstand.  The problem with that is it's not considered until the sufferer can be helped no further and has therefore experienced the most distressing effects of the disease.  Given a choice all that pain and misery could have been avoided.

Are they are going to "Shipmanise" the treatment of the elderly? 

12:34 rubbish you have not grasped what I am saying. I am against this because of where it will lead. I have said that I would accept it if it was immovable, that is impossible so basically i am against it. End of.

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